Bengaluru 28th March 2017: United Nation had declared 2nd April as WORLD AUTISM AWARENSSS DAY (WAAD) in 2007 and on 2nd April 2017, we call upon each and every one to help create the much needed awareness, acceptance, acknowledging and advancement for AUTISM.
The day long carnival is called the “SATRANGI”, which explains the wide spectrum of ability and disability found in Autism affected individuals. It will start in the Early morning at 6 AM with “STRIDES FOR AUTISM” 10K and 5K Run starting at Cubbon Park, Bandstand` and go on to MG Road to create Awareness.

Afternoon program will start at 2 pm and go on till 6 pm in the evening with live band performance and entertainment items presented in between by children with Autism from various Special Schools. Finally the Vidhan Soudha will be light up Blue at 6 PM to mark the International LIGHT UP BLUE Awareness Campaign.
Registration is happening on line.
please click on : Registration will be closed on 30th March 2017.
From 9 am -12 pm one can choose to participate in the celebration in the more serious “TECH-Academic” panel Discussion program at Bal Bhavan, Cubbon Park.
The passage of RPWD Bill (Right of People with Disability) in the parliament in Dec 2016 has finally given new generation disabilities like AUTISM, a legal acceptance in India.
AUTISM, is one of the most enigmatic and Complex disorder and due to lack of recognition and awareness in past, it has only made situation more challenging..
“SATRANGI” has been put together by Autism Society of India with Full Support from the Department of Disability, Women and Child Ministry, Government of Karnataka and Co-sponsored by AKAMAI Technologies. Many NGOs have partnered and participated to make it a success.