Mr. G. K. Varshney, Managing Director, Virtual Global Education Limited.
The country is moving and the pace of movement is very rapid. Changes are introduced everywhere, all in a direction of betterment and a life of more comfort and quality. Just like the flow of river where the weak trees and plants fell down and only the stronger one remains and survive for a longer duration, the Indian system is flowing towards digitalization. Every section of society is now accepting this change towards online world. In this revolution you must be skilled with the latest features and assets available in the country.
The most influential part in this era has been the smartphone and other mobile devices. From the poorest to the richest, mobile phones have taken everyone along the time. These have become as essential as any other body part of humans. From the first ray of sun to the last brightness of moon, these are continuously affecting the peoples. In such conditions a new and very attractive employment sector generates i.e. Mobile repairing. This seems to be next generation demand and a never ending job. The range of customer it covers and the amount of mobiles in India are more than enough for a mobile repairer.
At the present scenario when the replacement of offline system is being done by the online system, numerous jobs have been killed. Talk about taxi services where app based cabbies are more frequently used or hotel booking, traveling, shopping, education etc. everything is available in endless online world. This directly signals the urgency to learn the skills required to survive. Mobile repairing is the easiest and simplest of all any common person can learn and gain expertise on. There are numerous training centers all across the country and it is very easy to access up to them. The training people get here has far more benefits one can think of. Some of them are:
•Job Oriented Training:
The training people receive here is totally directed to get a job. The courses are specially designed with consideration of the demands as per the job perspective. The practical knowledge is prepared according to the latest devices available in the market and are taught to use them. Anything new enters the system gets added to the courses. These courses are regularly revised and modified.
•Skill Development:
Many of the young generation is looking for government sectors and it makes them away from the technical part. These course leads to increase in technical knowledge. Anyone from any kind of background can learn the course and get skilled. Apart from the technical knowledge people get to learn many other important factors about working in this sector.
•Job Guaranteed:
So, here is the most attractive part of the training that it gives you a 100% job assurance. Youth of the country is suffering from high level of unemployment, they lack skills and knowledge regarding the modern technology. But this training programme leads you cover the both aspects. Most of the lower middle class public is fearful of the risk in pursuing any courses that will it lead to a job? Then there comes this programme. You get to ensure your job and also learn the required skills.
•Availability of Centres:
The courses has very bright future and it seems to be a developing sector. Anyone with the skills related to this sector has an assured future. And hence the training centres are present all over the country. They cover almost every state even like Jharkhand, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh. The courses are easily affordable and hence have a greater impact on middle class of society. The best part is that these all courses are available online also. Since the internet services are getting cheaper day by day, it becomes easier to get in touch with online world. And even if you want to pursue offline course, then you can register online and then proceed further.
The institutions running these courses have been spread to a very large extent. There are many government bodies teaching you these skills for free. Like the Digital Yojna launched by PM Narendra Modi, gives people an opportunity to learn the online transactions and form-filling etc. The all motive is to make the youth able to understand the new gadgets and learn how to operate them. There are some private institutions and also some govt. tie-up with the educational institutions for making people gain the knowledge at minimal cost.
The world is becoming free of the offline work. Everything is now connected with latest gadgets and assets present in the market. Every small or big business has to make a presence in this online world. Without this they are not considered in the race. For this every kind of company has its own app. These apps are mostly used in mobiles. It creates a more demand for the phones and lures the people to connect through Mobile repairing. Not only these apps but mobiles phones seems to have no alternative and will definitely exist forever. This again ensures a promising future in this field.
The another factor is that people get to learn from the expert technical staff which teaches them to accurately find the defects and work on their improvement. Mobile companies are trying to offer as many features as they can and hence the complications are rapidly advancing in the devices. In such scenario you must choose the institute wisely. The latest devices and their working with specifications, the reach of device to the wider audience and popularity of the courses are the points to ponder before entering into the arena.
You can go for any sector but this seems to be in the preference list of many youth and business companies. There is appreciable help from the side of government and the training centres which must be used. It creates a Virtual Rojgar for the unemployed youth with input of just a month learning the skills.
This is the next big thing in the market with promising future and you must be skilled with it to survive.
(The author: Mr. Girraj Kishore Varshney, Managing Director, Virtual Global Education Limited)
About: Virtual Global Education Limited
Incorporated on the 22ndFebruary, 1993 as a Public Limited Company, Virtual Global Education Limited (VGEL) aims to improve the quality of human capital in the country through skill and educational interventions. The focus of VGEL has been in delivering skill and educational interventions to the sections of societies and parts of the country where they are most needed.
The Company is presently listed at Bombay Stock Exchange w.e.f. 27th November, 2012. With an eye on expansion the Company has laid plans to go big on skill development & education, broadening the emphasis from IT sector to serve the Education sector which is a high – growth industry serving a demographic explosion as millions of children seek learning opportunities.
Currently present in 15 states and have over 90 Skill Development Training centers, By March 2020 Virtual Global Education intend to open 500 Centers across India.
The Company is certified as a member of Delhi Chamber of Commerce (DCC).VGEL has also tied up with the Telecom Industry by entering into an agreement with IKF Technologies Limited. The primary mission of the Organization is to train around 100 million youth by 2020 in Health Care, Information & Communication Technology, Banking & Accounting, Renewable Energy and Telecom Sectors.
For more information: http://virtualrozgar.com/index.php
About: Dr. G.K. Varshney
Dr. Girraj Kishore Varshney is presently working as Managing Director at Virtual Global Education Limited.
He has been awarded Ph.D in Economics in 2000 on the topic “Cost benefit analysis of rural development program in arid zone of Rajasthan” and has got specialization in Rural Development.
Dr. Varshney has worked under as Government project coordinator and UGC major project coordinator on “Jawahar Rojgar Yojna”, “Law on Agrarian reforms and Problems of Agricultural Labour” and “Rajasthan Urban infrastructure and development program”
Dr. Varshney has been good administrator in the field of education and worked as director and principal at Aishwarya College of Education, Jodhpur and also engaged as Head and Associate professor in Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences at JIET group of institutions. He has taught as visiting professor at various educational institutions and Department of Business Finance and Economics at Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur (Raj.) and also involved himself as Counsellor and Trainer to the participants in the Prime Minister Rozgar Yojna(an initiative by Government of India).
Dr. Varshney has published various papers in National and International Journal publication like- An Overview of Supply Chain Management, Response of Indian Monetary Policy Against Global Financial Crisis and Unemployment Scenario in India and also participated various National, International conferences and seminars.
Profile of Dr. Girraj Kishore Varshney (Managing Director, VGEL)
Dr. Girraj Kishore Varshney was born on 1st July, 1972. Presently, he is working as Managing Director at Virtual Global Education Limited.
He has awarded Ph.D in Economics in 2000 on the topic “Cost benefit analysis of rural development program in arid zone of Rajasthan” and has got specialization in Rural Development. He has also completed his graduation in Arts and post-graduation in Economics with specialization in Agricultural Economics and also done M.Phil in Economics with specialization in Industrial Economics including L.L.B. from Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
He has possessed more than 20 years of rich experience of teaching in the subjects like Economics - Micro, Macro, Public Finance, International and Agriculture Economics and Statistics. He has been an author and co-author of various books titled “Humanities and Social Science for Engineering”, “Industrial Economics and Management”, “Urja for entrepreneur”, “Accounting and Banking”, “Banking & Sales Representative” for Skill development program and two books “Research methodology and empowerment and women development in Rajasthan” are under process.
Dr. Varshney has worked under as Government project coordinator and UGC major project coordinator on “Jawahar Rojgar Yojna”, “Law on Agrarian reforms and Problems of Agricultural Labour” and “Rajasthan Urban infrastructure and development program”
Dr. Varshney has been good administrator in the field of education and worked as director and principal at Aishwarya College of Education, Jodhpur and also engaged as Head and Associate professor in Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences at JIET group of institutions. He has taught as visiting professor at various educational institutions and Department of Business Finance and Economics at Jai Narayan Vyas University, Jodhpur(Raj.) and also involved himself as Counsellor and Trainer to the participants in the Prime Minister Rozgar Yojna (an initiative by Government of India).
Dr. Varshney has published various papers in National and International Journal publication like- An Overview of Supply Chain Management, Response of Indian Monetary Policy Against Global Financial Crisis and Unemployment Scenario in India and also participated various National, International conferences and seminars.
Incorporated on the 22nd February, 1993 as a Public Limited Company, Virtual Global Education Limited (VGEL) aims to improve the quality of human capital in the country through skill and educational interventions. The focus of VGEL has been in delivering skill and educational interventions to the sections of societies and parts of the country where they are most needed.
The Company is presently listed at Bombay Stock Exchange w.e.f. 27th November, 2012. With an eye on expansion the Company has laid plans to go big on skill development & education, broadening the emphasis from IT sector to serve the Education sector which is a high – growth industry serving a demographic explosion as millions of children seek learning opportunities.
Currently present in 15 states and have over 90 Skill Development Training centers, By March 2020 Virtual Global Education intend to open 500 Centers across India.
The Company is certified as a member of Delhi Chamber of Commerce (DCC). VGEL has also tied up with the Telecom Industry by entering into an agreement with IKF Technologies Limited. The primary mission of the Organization is to train around 100 million youth by 2020 in Health Care, Information & Communication Technology, Banking & Accounting, Renewable Energy and Telecom Sectors.
Proposal of tying up with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) is under process. VGEL has also signed MOU with RSLDC and presently working on the project. The program envisages implementation of the “Employment Linked Skill Training Programme” for the youth including school dropouts. VGEL is responsible for arranging required dedicated skill training infrastructure, identification of courses having employment potential, the beneficiaries(youth), the facilities/ trainers who will be imparting training and monitoring the program, etc. VGEL is conducting the training programs as per course outlines supplied by RSLDC and submit the account as per ELSTP guidelines to RSLDC.
VGEL also registered with Telecom Sector Skill Council entity under NSDC. The company has several initiatives catering to the most disadvantaged places like Left Wing Extremist Districts and remote areas of North East.
The Company has also taken initiatives in the projects like Mukhyamantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, Skill Development Initiative Scheme, State Project Livelihood College, Skill Training Program, Aajeevika Skill Development Program and Roshini (LWE district) in various states.
The Company has set up skill development Centres for Entrepreneurial Development Programmes and other vocational courses in various states:-
1.West Bengal
Toll free number for assistance: 1800-2006-168
Skill sector courses
Tourism and Hospitalty
Agriculture sector
Health care, beauty and wellness
BFSI sector skill