Mumbai 4 March 2017: CANKIDS ( India’s largest India’s largest non profit and support organisation providing holistic care and healing touch to thousands of children with Cancer) organised unique initiative of Munument Visit of Worrier & Surviors for Childhood Cancer Awarness at Sion Fort Mumbai India campaign, under this initiative teenage and adult cancer surviours spread the cancer awareness programme, with special emphasis on the rising incidences of cancer among children and making social, political system ready to fight the menance. This inniciative was the part of the International Childhood Cancer Day which celebrated on 15 Feb.

Cankid is delicately working to honor the bravery and courage of children with cancer and their families, to create Childhood Cancer Awareness, and to fight the Stigma in our Society with the message – “Childhood Cancer is Curable – when detected in time and treated properly at a Cancer Center. “
According to Poonam Bagai, Founder & Chairman Cankids KidsCan “Childhood Cancer is the low hanging fruit for a country’s cancer control program. We can make a real impact and improve survival rates to compare with the developed countries, relatively easily and in a shorter period of time, the success of which will provide greater impetus to the war against cancer in the country,”. Adds Ms Priti Dhall, Reginal Director Mumbai Said “Our theme this year is Go Gold India – for Warriors and Angels. Gold is the color of Childhood Cancer and wearing the gold ribbon supports this cause. We want to honor children with cancer and their families as “warriors and angels” battling cancer – a battle we can help them fight and also aim to motivate children with cancer during the hard times of the treatment of cancer to help & support them. Children with Cancer, families and Survivors will go on Outings, for a visit to monument which includes Sion Fort in Mumbai, India Gate in New Delhi and War Memorial at Marina Beach in Chennai to celebrate ICCD. We are aiming to get these monuments Lit up Gold in September, the month of Childhood Cancer as a part of International Tribute Lighting Program of Childhood Cancer International (CCI), that aims to honour childhood cancer families and advocates for childhood cancer to key stakeholders including the Government. “
During the visit Ms. Arti Talwalkar Moye Daughter of Ms Smita Talwalkar who battled against Ovarian Cancer. Ms. Smita Talwalkar (a monumental, National Award Winning figure of the Mararthi entertainment industry) & Rashmi Mehra Life Coach and a Cancer Survivor also present
Although childhood cancers are rare, and account for 3-4% of all cancers, there are 3 key reasons why Childhood Cancer must be a Child health priority and a vital part of the Cancer Control program of the country.
Worldwide, more than 250-300, 000 children and adolescents ( 0-18 years) are diagnosed with one of 16 forms of childhood cancer-cancers, of which 20% ( 50- 60000) are from India alone .
As against Adult cancer Survival rates of 50%, childhood cancers survivals can be 70-95%
In India, survival rates for childhood cancers, as for adult cancers can be as low as 30-40%, because of poor access to care, lack of information and awareness, late diagnosis, few good cancer treatment centers offering quality treatment, care and support and Stigma of Cancer – resulting in a disbelief that Childhood Cancer is Curable.
Each year more than 3,00,000 Children and adolescents are diagnosed with one of 16 forms of childhood cancer-cancers, out of which 40,000-50,000 are in India.
Cancer incidence - developing countries not well known, because there have been fewer population-based cancer registries (PBCRs) with adequate completeness.
Boys are around 20% more likely to develop cancer than girls but this male to female - This suggests a gender bias in diagnosing and registering cases in some developing countries.
The reported incidence of childhood cancer in India in males is higher than in females in almost all population based cancer registries Gender bias in seeking healthcare, including treatment of cancer, is one possible explanation
3 most common cancers in childhood comprise leukemia, brain tumours and lymphoma
This improvement of survival reported from developed countries has resulted from increasing use of intensive chemotherapy combined with other modalities of treatment, improved generalised supportive management, application of results of clinical trials and centralisation of care permitting each patient to benefit from the best of the multidisciplinary expertise and technology available for these rare conditions
The less favourable outcome in the developing countries can be attributed to late diagnosis, unavailability of treatment, therapy abandonment, prior undernourishment, inadequate supportive therapy and unsuccessful follow-up. All these factors relate to lack of financial resources to support efficient health care system for childhood cancer patients.
The causes of majority of childhood cancers are unknown
CanKids...KidsCan is a National Society for Change for Childhood Cancer in India & YANA (You are not Alone) - for holistic care for children with cancer and their families. It aims to improve Survival of children with cancer & Quality of Life and the Rights of the Child with Cancer and the Family.
The 2 models for Change for Childhood Cancer and YANA have been built grass root level up over the last 13 years. On the one hand it focuses on providing Social Support through CanKids Hospital Support Units and Care Centers, the range of 18 social support services and provision of Social Support teams. On the other it enables best standards of treatment and care by building partnerships with treating centers, identifying and filling gaps year on year, setting up Stakeholder forums at regional and national level, focusing on disease centric projects, Quality care, research and impact, building capacities and Government and Patient advocacy.
Today CanKids works in over 45 cancer centres in 18 cities and 14 States which treat more than 13000 new cases of childhood cancer each year. In addition it runs 4 Home away from Homes (HAHs) in Delhi, Trivandrum Kolkata and Chennai, the only Canshala - special school for children with cancer in Mumbai, in a PPP with MCGM, and the only 10 bedded Pediatric Palliative Care Center in Delhi. North East and Tamil Nadu Pediatric Oncology forums along with RB and nutrition forums have been formed and stake holders from respective regions sustain it.
In its 13 years, over 25000 families have been registered under its YANA –You are Not Alone – signature program that aims to provide holistic support to the child with cancer and his family, from moment of detection, through diagnosis, treatment and after, including medical financial assistance, treatment supportive care, nutrition, accommodation, education, psychological support and information. In 2015-16 alone we have supported over 4500 children with a total of 13.47 crores worth of medical support.