The comic strips will depict different characters such as the Earth, rivers, animals dependent on water, etc. expressing various environmental challenges that they face. However, the dialogues will be left incomplete. The participants will be encouraged to complete the conversation by sharing witty and interesting answers through their comments. The best submissions will receive exciting gifts!
Social responsibility and sustainability are among the core ethos of Grundfos. The company’s products are crafted in a manner that they reduce environmental impact. Furthermore, Grundfos takes a proactive role in building the awareness about environmental issues prevalent in the society.
About Ek Boondh Pani:
Ek Boondh Pani is a forum hosted by Grundfos India on the social media sites, Facebook and Twitter. The name translates to ‘a drop of water' in Hindi – signifying the importance of each drop of water. Through this page, members share water conservation tips and facts to encourage this awareness to be driven home.
About i Save Energy:
i Save Energy is a forum hosted by Grundfos India on Facebook and Twitter. The forum aims to encourage people to spread the word on adopting energy-efficient approaches and investing in energy efficient solutions across the nation.
Link to the page: Facebook Twitter
About Grundfos India:
Grundfos Pumps India Pvt. Ltd. (Grundfos India) a wholly owned subsidiary of Grundfos Holdings was established on March 13, 1998. Grundfos India is responsible for sales of Grundfos products in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives and Nepal. Currently, Grundfos India has more than 250 employees and works with 200 distributors and dealers with 14 offices across India. Grundfos India provides energy efficient pumps and smart pumping solutions for various applications – heating and hot water service systems, cooling and air-conditioning systems, industrial applications, pressure boosting and liquid transfer, groundwater supply, domestic water supply, sewage and wastewater, dosing, chlorination systems, disinfection systems and pumps running on renewable energy.
For more information, visit: http://www.grundfos.in/