Free Mock Interview Sessions for all IAS Aspirants
Officers IAS Academy, Anna Nagar is organizing “Mock Interview Sessions” from 18th March (Saturday) for all candidates who have cleared the Civil Services Mains and have been called for an Interview. This is open to all candidates even from other organizations. With eminent persons on board, the Mock interview session will be very close to that of a real one and will help for preparing for the final call.

The Mock Interview Session will be chaired by Mr. N. Venugopal, IPS, DIG CISF, Joint Director at National Police Academy, Panel member in UPSC Interview, Mr. R. Rangarajan, IAS, Associate Director, Officers IAS Academy, Mr. S Subramhanyan IRAS, Rted Additional Member Railway Board, Former DRM Trichy, Prof Elango, Academician, panel member for UPSC Geological Service Board, and Mr Manickavel IRS, Joint Director, Enforcement Directorate, who will be guiding beacon for the aspirants.
Before the Mock Interview, there will be an One-on-One session with the experts, to give the candidates best run-through – Mr. R.A. Israel Jebasingh, IAS, Founder and Director of Officers IAS Academy, Mr Rangarajan, IAS, and Mr Subramhanyan IRAS will be a part of this session. For more info, contact, 044-45540166; 044- 65666222,