The Sanmar Group takes pride in launching the Golden Jubilee celebrations of Chemplast Sanmar Limited. Chemplast Sanmar is the flagship company of The Sanmar Group, a US$1.5 billion industrial conglomerate, involved in Chemicals, Speciality Chemicals, Engineering, Steel Castings and Shipping.
The saga of Chemplast Sanmar is a story of growth with responsibility. It is equally a saga of innovation and being ahead of the times. The success of the company demonstrates the strong commitment shown by the Sanmar Group to responsible growth, to innovation and to social responsibilities, be it environmental care or community development. It is a tribute to the pool of technical talent that the Group has nurtured over the years and the strong emphasis on ethical management.
The saga of Chemplast Sanmar is a story of growth with responsibility. It is equally a saga of innovation and being ahead of the times. The success of the company demonstrates the strong commitment shown by the Sanmar Group to responsible growth, to innovation and to social responsibilities, be it environmental care or community development. It is a tribute to the pool of technical talent that the Group has nurtured over the years and the strong emphasis on ethical management.

From its humble beginnings in 1967 with a capacity of 6000 tons of PVC resin at Mettur, Chemplast Sanmar is today a highly integrated chemical manufacturer, with manufacturing facilities located at Mettur, Cuddalore and Karaikal (in Puduchery). Since 1967, the company has grown both organically and inorganically into what it is now. The company is the largest manufacturer of speciality Paste PVC resin in the country (66,000 tons per annum), and the second largest manufacturer of commodity Suspension PVC(3,00,000 tons per annum). The company also expanded into Chlorochemicals (through the acquisition of The Mettur Chemical and Industrial Corporation Limited in the mid-80s).
Innovation has been the hallmark and corner-stone of success for Chemplast Sanmar’s diversified growth. The company can legitimately claim several firsts in its cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art facilities.
· First to use industrial alcohol (as far back as the 1960s), a renewable resource to produce Ethylene, one of the raw materials for manufacture of PVC.
· First to import a bulk intermediate chemical - Ethylene Dichloride (EDC).
· Only company in South India to have two dedicated marine terminals, both capable of handling refrigerated cargo.
· First to establish desalination plants, at its coastal locations, to meet its water requirements, thereby obviating the need to draw ground water.
· First to introduce Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) at all its plants - this has ensured that the company does not discharge a single drop of even treated effluent into either the ground or any water body. This concept of Zero Liquid Discharge was developed by the company and has since been adopted as the industry standard.
· Conversion of its mercury based caustic soda plant to the environment- friendly membrane cell technology as early as in 2007 well ahead of the mandated time limit of 2012.
· The first to invest in captive power generating facilities for an electro-intensive industry like Caustic Soda.
· One of the few companies in the country to invest in multiple levels of power redundancy right up to a UPS facility for the energy-intensive caustic soda plant, to ensure absolute process safety
· Among the few chemical companies in India to have earned the use of the 'Responsible Care' logo.
Best Environment practices
As a responsible corporate citizen, Chemplast Sanmar is fully committed to protection of the environment, and plays a leadership role in environmental practices in India. Chemplast Sanmar is one of the very few Chemical companies to produce, on an annual basis, audited Sustainability Report meeting the international GRIR standard. The company has received several awards and recognitions for its various initiatives on environmental protection, process safety and water conservation.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
The company is very active in discharging its responsibilities to society. As part of its commitment to the communities in and around its plants, the company contributes to infrastructure building as also the provision of services related to health, basic amenities and encouragement of sport. Some of these activities are listed below:
· Building of a new railway station at Mettur Dam for the use of the local community
· Operating schools at Mettur Dam, for the benefit of local children
· Provision of drinking water to many villages around its plants
· Regular conduct of health camps to benefit the neighbouring communities
· Support, by way of equipment and finance, to hospitals
· Vocational training to womenfolk of the neighbouring communities to equip them to be financially independent
· Significant encouragement to sports, especially cricket and tennis
Future Plans
Chemplast Sanmar, in line with its record of achieving continuous growth, has taken on hand two ambitious projects, one for manufacture of Hydrogen Peroxide and another for production of Chlorinated PVC (CPVC) both products again based on the concept of value addition. The investment in the Hydrogen Peroxide plant will be around Rs.100 crores. The CPVC project, at an investment of Rs.325 crores, will come up as a JV with Kem One SAS, a leading European Chloro-Vinyl company.
Besides the above committed projects, the company also has grand plans of more than trebling its Suspension PVC capacity to 1 million tons in stages. This will help the country to meet its huge demand of Suspension PVC, going into the irrigation and construction sectors.
Besides the above committed projects, the company also has grand plans of more than trebling its Suspension PVC capacity to 1 million tons in stages. This will help the country to meet its huge demand of Suspension PVC, going into the irrigation and construction sectors.
Golden Jubilee
The Golden Jubilee function on 4th May 2017 is as much a celebration of the exciting opportunities that await the company in the years to come, as it is a celebration of the success in the years past.
The vision statement of The Sanmar Group says it all - 'Where integrity meets excellence'. With the backing of the strong and highly experienced professional Management team and the sustained commitment of The Sanmar Group, Chemplast Sanmar is poised for dynamic growth, over the coming decades, its journey of excellence, in pursuit of its stated objective – Growth with Responsibility.