Triphala Churna Benefits for Skin

1. Treats Eczema
To get treated for skin disorders like Eczema you can directly apply Triphala water over the infected area.
2. As A Detoxifier
Simply mix 2 teaspoons of triphala choorna in a glass of lukewarm water by also adding a teaspoon of well-crushed ginger. Let it soak for the whole night. Filter this solution and add lemon. You should drink this herbal detoxifier on an empty stomach.
3. Rejuvenates Skin
Triphala is a herbal tonic for naturally glowing and acne free skin. It is due to the antioxidants and anti bacterial properties present in it. This powder will help you to achieve smooth, soft and moisturized skin without any bad effect of chemicals as it is 100% natural. The emollient property of Triphala is ideal for soothing dry and flaky skin. Use it thrice in a month for best results.
4. Reduces Dark Circles
Dark circles are very common due to a daily stressed lifestyle of ours. You need not buy costly skin products which don't give the desired results as Triphala choorna will handle this problem. Use it as an eyewash to get rid of puffy eyes and dark circles. To make this eyewash just add a small amount of triphala powder in water and wash your eyes thoroughly with it. Washing your eyes with this will refresh your eyes and reduce the puffiness.