Grace of Odissi meets power of theater

Dance is probably art at its purest form. It exudes grace, poise, emotions and is the finest way of expressing yourself. Theater, another demanding form of art, requires one to emote in volumes. Lopamudra Mohanty, a stunning Odissi Dancer, is aptly utilizing her refined dancing skills and body language to perform better on stage. As one of the artists who's delivering a fierce monologue as a part of Mumbai vs Mumbai by Zubin Driver, Lopamudra is all set to be graceful and powerful at once on stage. Breathing life into the character of a housewife whose life has come to a standstill, the powerhouse of talent will capture the essence of the city.

Grace of Odissi meets power of theater

Grace of Odissi meets power of theater

Grace of Odissi meets power of theater

While talking about her theater aspirations, the dancer turned theater artist said: “I never thought of theater. I learnt Odissi which I love because it’s a dance form and expression, of course, is incorporated. I was thinking that I can go for a voice modulation class or something which can help me enhance my story telling. One fine day, one of my neighbors messaged me that Zubin wants someone to go ahead and act in one of his plays and would you be interested. At the same time I was thinking of joining a theater space to enhance my voice. And I came here expecting Zubin to train me in theater and things that are associated with it. Instead he told me sit down and read the script.” She prefers to be called as a storyteller more than a dancer or a performer since that’s natural, seamless and more receptive. While discussing how dance as an art form has improved her acting skills, she added: “I like abhinay because for me portraying emotions through mudra and through facial expression is lovely. Being older, my expression gives me an advantage as compared to the children. For me, the form of Odissi attracted me to dance. I am quite open with my feelings, dance itself and all its components make me want to learn dance.”

Mumbai vs Mumbai, an experimental theater piece will deliver a one of a kind and soul-stirring performance while providing the audience a wholesome experience. Inspired from ‘Falling Indians’ by Zubin Driver, Founder of Pundalik Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., this performance comprises of 5 English and 1 Marathi monologues. A banker by profession, a doting mother and the founder of The Orange Wedges Inc., she believes in the power of storytelling. “A very important thing for me is motivation. I need to learn something new, I have a hunger for learning. The children around me make me want to learn more and tell stories, this is where the love for storytelling comes in.” Lopamudra Mohanty excitedly stated.

Portraying the ambiguity and the ghosts in the machine, the urban paradoxes unleashed by the city in a paroxysm of frantic and crazed activity, Mumbai vs Mumbai will take you all by surprise on 24th February at Cuckoo Club Bandra. With a team of fresh yet talented artists, this play will be the reflection of Mumbai.