The month of February is invariably celebrated as a month of love and romance; an apt time to show your affection and appreciation towards your dearest one. This Valentine’s Day celebrate your love, making it special with HyperCITY and its exciting offers.
Curated exclusively for Valentine’s Day, HyperCITY offers a wide variety of gifting options. Gifts such as assorted scrumptious chocolates & cookies, adorable soft toys & heart pillows, etc. that will create valentine memories for life. Gifts for him/her such as trimmers, shavers, hair straightener and personal care products like perfumes are perfect gifts for your partner.
Additionally, the top spender at HyperCITY stands a chance to win a 4-day-3-night trip to Paris, the graceful city of love – a perfect destination for romantic couples to laze in its stunning gardens, stroll arm-in-arm at sunset and cosy up to candlelit dinners. On shopping of INR 1999 and above, customers also stand to win domestic holiday packages for 3 days and 2 nights. (The above offer is valid from 9th February, 2017 to 14th February, 2017 only)

So spread the magic of love with HyperCITY and have a dreamy Valentine’s!