• IONIC MSM Inc. is known for its MSM (Methylsulphonylmethan) based products which is an organic form of Sulfur
• IONIC MSM is committed to the notion of wellness and offers various products for Healthcare, Beauty & Personal Care, Massage Gel, Pain Management, Horse & Pet Care and Crop & Soil Care for many agricultural purposes

New Delhi, 12th January 2017: A leading wellness company of USA IONIC MSM INC has collaborated with IONIC MSM LTD India which is promoted by renowned industrialist Dr. Santosh Kumar Bagla and have entered in the Indian market by launching a wide range of MSM based products. Company has also setup a fully integrated manufacturing unit which is located at Jaipur, Rajasthan.
IONIC MSM Ltd. focuses on improving people’s lives through safe and hi-tech innovations and ensures authenticity and safe application. IONIC MSM is dedicated to the purpose of spreading the message of quality living, wellness as the philosophy of life, natural therapy and a stress-free, tranquil life in perfect harmony with the nature and the surroundings. MSM provides a better and safe alternative for people since it is both reasonable as well as quite effective without any side effects.
Commenting about the India’s launch, Dr. Yogi Bhardwaj (President Ionic MSM Inc., USA) said “we are delighted to enter the most customer friendly and progressive market of the world. We are already present in various parts of the world and are now ready to give a most effective and result oriented wellness solution to the people of the country. MSM remains one of the most studied compound worldwide and experts prescribe MSM for a variety of ailments like pain, inflammation, scleroderma, interstitial cystitis, arthritis and elevated intercranial pressure in the brain. We are very confident that it would be game changer for the wellness industry of India.
IONIC MSM Ltd, India Chairman Dr. Santosh Kumar Bagla shared “IONIC Group is dedicated to provide the best quality and result oriented products for health, beauty, lifestyle and personal care. We have intelligently used the MSM in our products after extensive research and developments initiated by Dr. Stanley Jacob 100 years ago which are considered to be one of the best in the industry.
As of know we have come out with more than 40 products in the Indian market which are regular use cosmetics (creams & gel), Health care (specific supplement for weight loss, cholesterol, diabetic, BP etc), Pain Management (Arthritics care), Horse & Pet Care products. These would be available across the country in both online and offline”.
Ionic MSM feels the Indian and asian market potential and expecting the business growth in 5 years is 500 Cr. Keeping this as target, ionic MSM is doing special campaign for educating the people about the benefits of MSM and are hoping a good response from the market because of the uinique concept and properties of MSM, said Mr. Tarun Rawal, Head- Sales & Marketing, IONIC MSM Ltd.
About Ionic MSM Ltd:
IONIC MSM Ltd. a company incorporated since 2005, is a member of Ionic Group (since 1985) focused on improving people’s lives through safe and hi-tech innovations. Ionic MSM is committed to the notion of wellness and provides various products for beauty and personal care, skin enhancement, medical care, pet care, Arthritis and joint inflammation and for many agricultural purposes. All our products are based on pure MSM and ensure authenticity and safe application. IONIC MSM’s diversified product range is made possible because of substantial research and development initiated by our top scientific experts. The distillation method used by us for purification of MSM is considered to be one of the best in the market. Ionic MSM is dedicated to providing the best quality products for health, beauty, lifestyle and personal care and pioneer the International Health Care market.
We are inspired by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri NarendraModi’s “Clean India Campaign” that sheds light on the significance of cleanliness. We work in conjunction with Shri Narendra Modi’s “Clean India Campaign” and added our own “Healthy India Campaign” to improve the quality of living.
We follow the “Skill India” program launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and focus on cultivating skills and talents of people. Inspired by this program we aim to provide Re-engineering Excellence Training Workshop to every person so that they can make their journey through life comfortable, satisfactory and attain the purest knowing. We help people create a balance between their outer and innermost existence.