~Donates 30,000 Real Juice packs to support the nutritional needs of the children~
Chandigarh, January 25, 2017: Réal, India’s preferred packaged fruit juice brand from the House of Dabur, is spreading the goodness of fruit-filled nutrition by donating Real juice packs to children from the underprivileged sections of the society.As a part of its ‘Dil Se Dua’ campaign, Réal along with Prayas Juvenile Aid Centre Society had organized special drives across major cities in India and collected pledges to shower the blessing of nutrition to the ones often neglected. Against each pledge, Dabur is providing a pack of Réal juice to kids in the shelter homes run by Prayas.

Marking the culmination of this mega initiative, Dabur India Ltd today distributed around 30,000 packs of Real juices to meet the nutrition needs of underprivileged children living in shelter homes.“We are overwhelmed by the response we have received during Réal ‘Dil Se Dua’ drives and hope to reciprocate the same happiness and joy to the less fortunate children in India.We will donate Réal juice packs to our NGO partner, Prayas Juvenile Aid Centre Society, who in turn will give these to their children. Through this initiative, Dabur endeavors to educate people about the nutritional needs of underprivileged kids and encourage them to pledge their support for these kids.This initiative is not linked to any product purchase and allwe seek is to support these kids,”Dabur India Ltd Head –Beverages and Culinary Mr. Mayank Kumarsaid.
Mr.Amod K Kanth, General Secretary of Prayas and former Chairman of Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights, said:“Through this campaign, we, along with Réal, hope to encourage millions of underprivileged children across India in fulfilling their dreams & aspirations. Prayas JAC Society and its more than 50,000 children across nine states/UT’s of India wish to convey sincere thanks to the ‘Dil Se Dua’campaign. Prayas feels elated to be the part of the initiative which signifies to spread smiles of health and happiness amongst underprivileged children.”
Conducted on the occasion of Rakshabandhan & Diwali, this initiative is part of Dabur India Ltd’s mission to touch the lives of thousands of under-privileged children across India and spread Health & Happiness amongst them.A dedicated team from Réal visited big markets across the major cities to garner support for the underprivileged children.
Through this initiative,Réal strived to generate awareness about the nutrition needs of the underprivileged kids and encourage people to pledge their support the cause.In addition to the on-ground campaign, this initiative was also promoted on Social Media websites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, which also helped garner additional pledges from people.
About Réal
Réal is a 20 year old brand and a market leader in Juices and Nectar category in India. Réal is the preferred choice of consumers when it comes to packaged fruit juices in India. A validation of this success is that Réal has been awarded ‘India’s Most Trusted Brand’ status for 8 years in a row.
About Prayas Juvenile Aid Centre Society
Prayas was set-up in 1988 as a joint initiative of Delhi Police, Delhi School of Social Work and Shramik Vidyapeeth in response to the crisis-affected children in the slums of Jahangirpuri, Delhi started with 25 children and, today, it caters to more than 50,000 children, youth & women. For the past 25 years, Prayas has been continuously involved in meaningful, development-driven initiatives that distinctly impact the quality of life of the weaker-sections of the society, in hundreds of slums/villages in the most backward and gender critical areas through 241 Thematic, Geographical and Situational Centres including 23 Homes/Shelters, coupled Helplines for Women & Children (1098) etc. across the country in 09 States/UTs directly serving about 50,000 marginalized children, youth and women.