KORUM’s WOW workshop gets healthier

What: Ladies, it’s time to get you and your family healthy with KORUM’s WOW (Women on Wednesdays) workshop where you will be taught a variety of Oatmeal munchies like Oat Fruit Porridge, Oat Nuggets, Oat Granola, and Oat Souffle.

KORUM’s WOW workshop gets healthier

Oat Fruit Porridge
 Oat Fruit Porridge

Oat Granola
 Oat Granola
Oat Nuggets
 Oat Nuggets
Oat Pancakes
 Oat Pancakes

Oat Souffle
Oat Souffle

When: Wednesday, 25th January, 2017

Time: 3pm-4pm / 5-6pm / 7-8pm

Where: KORUM Mall, Mangal Pandey Road, Near Cadbury Compound, Eastern Express Highway, Thane (W).

For further details, please contact: +91 022 - 41144455 or log on to:


