IIHMR University voices an opinion on how social indicators can lead to overall development in the status of a girl child
Jaipur, 24th January, 2017: With the rise in government taking measures to secure the future and health of the girl child across the nation, there are multiple reasons why there still exist some inequities in the growth and development of girl children. Some of the major inequities are primarily due to differential care amongst male and female child, gender inequality exists also due to sex selective abortions and neglecting the female child post birth thus putting them to the risk of malnourishment and retardation of growth. IIHMR University Jaipur creates awareness this World Girl Child Health Day.

Dr. Goutam Sadhu, Dean Incharge School of Rural Management said, “According to a report on ‘Journey of a Girl Child in India During Health Disease’, and as per the Indian Census 2001, the ratio of girls to boys was 927 girls per 1000 boys for the age group between 0-6 years, which has reduced to 914 girls per 1000 boys in 2011 for the similar age group. As per the report on Working Group on Child Rights for 12th Five Year Plan 2012-2017, the Child Mortality (under 5 mortality rate) for boys is 60 per 1000 births, whereas the child mortality for girls is 69 per 1000 births. The report also highlights Anaemia amongst the adolescents between the age group of 15-19 year. It is seen that only 30% of the boys are Anaemic, whereas, 56% of the girls from the same age group suffer from Anaemia. While one speaks on immunization for girls and boys in the age group of 12-23 months, only 52% girls are immunized whereas about 55% boys are fully immunized creating discrimination amongst health priorities and treatments given to boys as against the girls.”
Dr. Goutam Sadhu, Dean Incharge School of Rural Management also added, “As per report on Working Group on Child Rights for 12th Five Year Plan 2012-2017, more than 1/3rd i.e 35.6% women who have a Body Mass Index less than 18.5 kg/m are undernourished. With this proportion the figure of the undernourished adolescent girls between the age group of 11 to 18 years would come to be about 2.95 crore which is 35.6% of 8.3 crore). According to WHO report which was published in the past, about shows that as many as 44.7 percent of girls aged between 15 to 18 have low Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). There have been cases of malnutrition which could be a result of an early marriage; such cases can be pointed out where 30% of the women between the age group of 20-24 are married before the age of 18 years.”
Dr. Sadhu further added, “According to NFHS3, 33% of the women who are married between the age of 15-49 years are too undernourished while 58.7% of pregnant women are Anaemic. Also, the girls who are less than 20 years of age are at 50% more risk to deliver children who are undernourished and with lower weight at birth.”
Thus one needs to address many social indicators that can lead to the overall development of the status of the girl child such as reducing the gender gap and differentiation after birth, empowering the girl child to take decisions and reduce the lack of inclusiveness, effective literacy and equity amongst the girl child and the boy child to receive health treatments, reducing biases against a girl child, protection and entitlement of the rights for the girls, developing systems and programmes that relate to the survival and nourishment of the girl child and many more.
The ministries of the Government of India have come up with various schemes from time to time. These schemes could be either Central, state specific or collaboration between the Centre and the states. There are more than 20 programme are running at central and state level for welfare of child in India. Even though there are some land mark achieve in this regard but overall execution is in question. Government needs to understand simply increasing number of programme will not solve the problem; there is requirement of proper implementation in most efficient manner.
IIHMR University Jaipur has been working in context of child welfare for the past 30 years. It has mainly worked in areas of health, water, nutrition, and sanitation facilitates to be provided to children not only in Rajasthan but also in many states in India. There has more than 500 projects implemented across the country which has led to better living standard and eventual welfare of children.
It is well recognized, that these programmes when provided adequately, could significantly improve the health and nutritional status of children. In view of this, a need has been felt to extend the coverage of the schemes with content enrichment, strengthen aimed at empowerment & enhanced self-perception and bring about convergence with other programmes of similar nature of education, rural development and employment and health sectors.
About IIHMR University Jaipur:
Established in 1984 in Jaipur, IIHMR is the first of its kind in India, with attention solely focused on health systems management. Recognized by Department of Science & Technology , Ministry of Finance and Government of India as a Research Institution. Accredited to International Hospital Federation & Association of University Programmes in Health Administration.
An Exclusive Health Research and Postgraduate University: IIHMR Jaipur has now become the IIHMR University. The IIHMR University is a specialized Research University in management research, postgraduate education and training exclusively in the health sector. The University aims to generate new knowledge and technologies to provide evidence and inputs for developing effective policies and health interventions and strategies. The origin of the IIHMR University has its roots in pioneering and significant contribution of Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), Jaipur in the last three decades to policy and program management research, and capacity development in health and hospital management in India and South-East Asia, which has enabled it to attain the status of a university. The IIHMR University has a mission to improve the standards of health through better management of health care and related programs through management research, education, training and institutional networking in a national and global perspective in the health sector. Over the last 30 years, IIHMR, working as a WHO Collaborating Centre for District Health Systems and designated as an Institute of Excellence by the Ministry of Health and FamilyWelfare, has played a major role in promoting and conducting health policy and program management research. The Institute has been instrumental in a paradigm shift in the management of health care and hospitals in India. A critical mass of professionally trained health and hospital managers has been produced by IIHMR. For its contribution to management education, it has gained several Leadership Awards. In addition, IIHMR has become a major destination for training and capacity development in leadership and strategic management, hospital management, disaster management, quality management, project management, health management information systems, and health economics and finance.
Collaborating Institutions and Universities: World Health Organization; SEAPHEIN; Johns Hopkins University, USA; Chester University, UK; Mahidol University, Thailand; SAARCTBInstitute;TheUNION;Afghan Public Health Institute,Kabul; BPKoirala Institute of Public Health, Nepal. The Institute undertakes training, research and consultancy in health management in close collaboration with international organizations such as UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, ODA, DANIDA, KFW & GTZ, NORAD, CARE and USAID. Working for Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (GOI), Planning Commission, Indian Council of Medical Research, state governments and others. International Linkages collaborated with University of North Carolina, USA to offer masters programme to candidates from South-Asia.