Green Tea name in English, Hindi, Marathi Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu etc
Article SourceGreen Tea name in English, Hindi, Marathi Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu etc

Names of Tea in Hindi, English, Gujrati and other Indian languages (regional)
Green Tea
Green Tea, a widely popular variety of tea that originated in China, is prepared from Camellia sinensis leaves after drying them. Green tea is famous for its anti-oxidant features. It relieves one from stress and is free from caffeine. Other than that, it improves blood flow and lowers cholesterol.
What is Green tea called in Hindi, Marathi Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu and Other Indian Languages(Regional)?
In Hindi it is called haree chaay, in bengali it is known as Sabuja cā, in marathi they call it Hirva chaa, In gujarati it is called as Līlī cā, in tamil they call it Paccai tēyilai tēnīr, In telugu they know it as Grīn ṭī.