Going Cashless is the talk of the Nation now! Although, has anyone really thought about how much are we to invest as a consumer to adapt to this latest evolution the whole country is raving about.
Let us think for a moment, about this cost for adaptation.
Every payment system apart from cash, needs some basic credentials
1. A smartphone – Minimum of Rs. 3000/-
2. A Bank Account – With a minimum balance of Rs. 1000/- more in many other cases
3. A stable internet connection – A minimum of Rs. 400 per month
4. Indirect Expense on maintenance – Rs. 100/- (includes electricity etc)

Now considering all these, if a person needs to transact Rs. 1000/- by going cashless, he / she ends up spending an average of Rs. 500 every single month. This does not even include the transaction or “convenience” fee we end up paying the bank or the digital wallet.
Shall we think hard for a moment on this whole culture, if it is really a boon or ban?!
Going completely cashless is fine, but let us also ask one basic question: At what cost? And when it is a consumer that puts the money for the so called convenience charge, why impose an idea that needs a strong PUSH on the mindset of consumers who are still in the learning curve on New Technologies.
You may feel, does this mean, we can’t go cashless or there is no way to bridge this gap?
Very well, there are ways we could go cashless while minimising this cost borne to a huge extent.
Yeldi Softcom a pioneer in NFC technology in India has introduced a product called Yeldi Folks and this is the product that is calling out for people who wish to go “conveniently cashless”!
With Yeldi’s payment system, one could go Cashless WITHOUT
1. A smartphone
2. A bank account
3. A stable internet connection
4. Indirect expense on maintenance
Saving a minimum of Rs. 500/- every month and not just that, with every penny you spend, you will receive a minimum of 3% to maximum of 50%. This super cashback is called Yeldi Recash, which is credited on 27th of every month and opens a possibility to make a maximum of Rs. 7000 on a spend of Rs. 20,000. This is a whopping 35% on the purchases, and it’s all year round.
With an extensively growing merchant network, that adds a 100 merchants a day, Yeldi is the Next Big Head Turner in the Cashless Payment Arena.
It can also be a bridge for newbies to technology and take you from cash to cashless. What’s even more exciting is that, Yeldi is the only system, where cash can be exchanged over the counter and converted into Digital Money.
Yeldi is helping Indians who are having a rough time adapting to the new changes, by providing services to go cashless without any hassles.
Now you have all reasons to Go Cashless, without Spending extra and be Rewarded for it!