- Glorifire Mobile App developed by Ms. BhargaviGoel, a student of Class XII, at DPS Vasant Kunj selected for Incubation by The Entrepreneurship School, Gurgaon
- Glorifire App helps enthusiastic school students with their startup projects, connects them with mentors, provides knowledge interfaceand helps them turn entrepreneurs.
New Delhi, Jan 17, 2017: The Entrepreneurship School (TES) announced selection of Glorifire mobile app for incubation program at TES. Glorifire is an exciting social app based developed by Ms. BhargaviGoel, Class XII student of Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj to share their ideas with the world, find a team member, collaborate with mentors and investors. The impetus provided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi through the Startup India, Standup India initiative has ensured percolation of startup dreams to school level.

It is well known that young minds get many fresh ideas, but majority gets lost as there is no supporting infrastructure.Glorifire app, precisely solves this problem. It allows students to record and share their innovation projects on a social platform, which is available to teachers, mentors, entrepreneurs, and investors to understand these ideas. Once they find it interesting, they can interact with idea owner and get deeper understanding, build or support solutions to address the requirements using the idea and/or fund the idea for the student to pursue.
Mr. Sanjeeva Shivesh, CEO, TES said, “Glorifire is a high impact app developed by BhargaviGoel, who is still in her teens. We are excited about the use case of this app, its ability to help passionate children who want to make a difference in the society and its possibility of massive adoption by school students all across India. We are impressed with the single-minded focus of Bhargaviabout the challenges faced by adolescent school-goers and her intuitive insights on solving their problems”.
The TES Incubation Program is provides complete development of venture, right from full stack development of app, mentoring of founders, user adoption of the new app, funding pitch to angel investors and collaborations with right stakeholders. “The Glorifire app is an ideal platform to realize Prime Minister’s Startup India vision. All schools can adopt this to share the ideas of bring young children and guide them in their entrepreneurial ambitions”, said Shivesh.
Announcing the selection, Mr. Masroor Lodi, Director, TES,said, “We are delighted to take BhargaviGoel at the Incubation Program of The Entrepreneurship School. She is very young, but her idea is powerful, that’s why we believe structured incubation will help her realize the full potential of the idea. She also has demonstrated strong leadership acumen as a School Pupil Leader at DPS Vasant Kunj, which makes her know the aspirations and challenges of a modern age school student. We spent almost three months with her evaluating her work before we selected her. She has put in a lot of hard work. I was impressed with her vision of Glorifire as a youth empowerment platform that allows every child to transform their dreams into a powerful startup”.
Speaking on the occasion, BhargaviGoel said, “I am proud to be selected by TES for its Incubation Program. I imagine Glorifire as a platform where every child can find meaning with their ideas and projects to realize their dreams. I have spent more than a year with my idea and now it is fully functional app. I am determined to make Glorifire the best platform for young students. That’s why I have decided to join the incubation at TES.”
Mr.Shivesh added, “Entrepreneurship is one of the most challenging human endeavors. Hence it requires careful mentoring. With Government of India promoting Startup India, this is the best time to be an entrepreneur in India. Young entrepreneurs are taking the Indian economy by storm and innovative ventures like Glorifire will redefine business scenario in the country. Glorifire is a statement by young Indians thatany individual can achieve extraordinary things, if they are passionate about what they are doing.”