Budget expectations quote for Infrastructure sector by Mr. Arun Lakhani , Chairman and Managing Director of Vishvaraj Infrastructure Ltd. as follows :

"A higher allocation for the infrastructure sector will help boost investment and help sustain growth over a medium term and also possibly encourage inflows of more private sector investment. The sewerage treatment and its reuse should be the focus because that is the area which has multiple bottom lines. The government is giving more priority to the Smart City Program, and it should further elaborate on smart water management so that the Urban Local Bodies (ULB’s) get a clarity on what and how should they work on water issue. Projects like Smart City mission and AMRUT will become very effective with this clarity. Sewage treatment should have allocation along with every drinking water scheme and some more to catch up in many towns, exploring possibilities of reuse. Water - the source of life and one of the basic 5 elements , should be handled under one ministry for better accountability, efficiency and sustainability, instead of being governed by various ministries like industry, urban development and water resources and sanitation separately "