Year End quote from LimeRoad
India 16 December 2016: “Its been a very interesting year in business, in politics and personally. LimeRoad has grown 3-4x this year whilst driving towards profitability, and will emerge as the only company to hold its GMV in November despite the demonetization. My 6-year-old has learnt to canter, and my 11-year old did her first internship. And of course, British and American politics have changed fundamentally.

Next year is going to be super interesting. The dynamics of the online fashion world will change materially, with LimeRoad firmly emerging as a leader in fast fashion. We are today the fastest and most consistently growing business in the fashion space, and have managed to do this while solidifying our path to profitability.
These days I am up dreaming of all the possibilities of building a truly extensive fast fashion platform. The opportunity is huge, given the $200 billion manufacturing base we Indians have, and the 10-20 million manufacturing units and SMEs in the space. The issues with India are never the size of the market but the ability to execute seamlessly given the scarcity of truly high-quality talent, high-quality infrastructure compounded sadly by the drive to 4G, and some inbuilt cultural issues on follow-through. These do sometimes keep me awake!
Our plans for 2017? Expect LimeRoad to be bold!
Suchi Mukherjee, Founder and CEO,