India 5 December 2016: The exhibition divided into contemporary installations and sculptures, presented by Neeraj Gupta, will seamlessly occupy India International Centre’s Gandhi Plaza, to become its own diverse ecosystem. An aristocratic Gandhi Plaza with natural trees and a dramatic natural skylight will behold installations as well as magical yet thoughtful free standing pieces like Neeraj Gupta’s Divine Love, Arun Pandit’s Mask Seller, Sanjay Bhattacharyya’s 12 foot bronze Krishna, Vineet Kacker’s Buddhist Pillar,Tapas Biswas' Innocence and Mukesh Sharma’s magnificent Shesh Nag.

Divine love sculpture

Innocence-Tapas Biswas-

Sculptures-by Arun Pandit

Shunya Krishna and Radha by Simran Lamba
By providing the works themselves with spaces of their own, free from the constraints of a patriarchal/commercial art history the exhibition will be an evolution in the making which will adopt a generous stance that exults form, materiality, and process alongside the history of art discourse, which allows for a breadth of new readings and understandings to occur, both between artists and generations of artists. Neeraj Gupta’s Divine Love is a testimony to the warmth of human relationships and the eternal quest for a civilization to live and procreate for posterity. The intricate figures and the choreographic character are what compel.
Madhab Das’ National Award winning work ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ a deer with iron, bricks and tall iron rods is a statement on the loss of habitat for the beautiful animal whose world is threatened because of large scale deforestation. Sanjay Bhattacharyya's tall and stately Krishna as a flute player will be the cynosure of all eyes as will be Arun Pandit's powerful bronze Mask Seller, a work that looks at the many faces of the human predicament. From Kolkata is the gifted Tapas Biswas whose Innocence 3 is a network of leaves and twigs created in metal with the face of a little girl-it has many suggestions of the attention needed for the girl child.
Mukesh Sharma's Shesh Nag was part of the Venice Biennale and is a testimony to the uselessness of waste and the degree of conspicuous consumption. Created out of computer boards and Styrofoam packaging materials this is a head turner. Puneet Kaushik's spiral of a metaphoric spider talks to us at different levels about the beauty of nature the fragile eco system. Vineet Kacker's Buddha Pillar is a statement of charismatic contours and the felicity of weaving spiritual fervour into the textural terrain of ceramic ware. It is a work that has deep monastic meanderings and is at once a symbol of sheer resonance. Atul Sinha's wooden carved work with sleek textural contours sets him apart as a sculptor of deep reverberations.
“iSculpt is a revolution in the making of public exhibitions and public art that expresses fidelity to the idea of a “sculpture of one’s own”—in this case, a series of literal and metaphorical works dedicated to material experimentation and innovation—and in doing so provides a plethora of works for the history of ingenuity among sculptors to take root,” says curator Uma Nair.
The show will be a mélange of installations and sculptures that create their own rhythms in the beauty and setting of the Gandhi Plaza.