Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hair Lice how to kill hair lice effectively

Kill Hair Lice with these Effective Home Remedies

 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Hair Lice how to kill hair lice effectively

Home Remedies to get rid of lice is our topic today. Hair lice is truly one of the most irritating problems that troubles many, especially school going kids. These pesky little insects cause irritation and itchiness in your scalp and sometime cause red bumps on your neck and head. And I am sure; you wouldn’t want yourself or your children to have those ugly red bumps or the irritating itching. There are many products available in the market that claims to kill hair lice, but sometimes they really don’t work well and cause damage to your scalp. In addition to that, they are really expensive. 

Not many people know this, but you can get these blood sucking parasites by coming close with an infected person while sleeping, playing, by wearing clothes of the person infected with parasites, sharing contaminated combs and brushes, or while laying over the bedding that an infected person has previously used. Once lice reach your body, they quickly find their way to the hair and are really hard to find. 

What are Hair Lice?

The scientific name for hair lice is Pediculus humanus capitis. Hair lice are usually two to three millimeters in length. These are parasitic insects generally crawl in people’s hair. These lice lay eggs at hair shaft base. These eggs are called as nits.

Below we are listing some of the best home remedies that you should definitely try in order to get rid of the Hair Lice naturally:

1. Lemon Juice a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Lemon Juice a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Lemon Juice is definitely one of the best remedies to kill hair lice. You can apply 1-2 tbsp. Lemon juice all over your scalp and massage it gently. Leave it to dry and wash it off after 25 minutes. You can also make a paste of egg yolk, Vinegar, and lemon juice. Mix well and gently massage your scalp with this mixture twice a week. 

2. Garlic a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Garlic a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Garlic contains many antibacterial and antifungal properties that help in suffocating lice and is highly effective in killing them. Make a thin paste of 8-10 garlic cloves and add 3 tablespoons of Lemon juice to it. Mix well and gently apply the mixture on your scalp. Leave it for 30-35 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. 

3. Olive Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Olive Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Apart from providing healthy hair, Olive oil is highly effective in killing lice. Apply any type of Olive Oil on your scalp and leave it overnight. Comb out the tiny parasites in the morning, and wash your hair with shampoo that contains tea tree oil. This remedy will surely help you kill these tiny blood sucking parasites. Repeat this home remedy for a few more nights if needed.

4. Coconut Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Coconut Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

As we all know Coconut oil is rich in nutrients that can make our hair healthy naturally. But how many of you know that Coconut Oil can also be used to kill hair lice naturally? Coconut oil suffocates the lice and does not allow them or the eggs to get attached to the hair easily. To kill hair lice, rinse off your head with Apple Cider Vinegar and let it dry. Now take a few drops of Anise essential oil and add 2 tbsp. Coconut oil and massage your scalp with this mixture. Now cover your head with shower cap and shampoo your hair in the morning. Comb your hair in the morning using a nit comb to remove all the dead lice and eggs from your hair and scalp.

5. Salt a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Salt a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Quite a few people know this, but you can remove head lice with the help of desiccation too. Take ¼ cup of salt and ¼ cup of Vinegar and mix well. Now spray the solution or gently apply it with the cotton ball onto the hair to make them wet. Now cover your head with shower cap and leave it for about 2-2:30 hrs. Now wash your hair with mild shampoo and use conditioner. 

6. Baby Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Baby Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

You will need three ingredients in this remedy- baby oil, white vinegar and laundry detergent. This might surprise you, but baby oil is truly the most effective and beneficial remedy to get rid of Hair lice. Baby oil restricts the air passages of the lice and suffocates them to death. Take some baby oil and rub it on your palm, and gently massage your scalp. Use a lice comb to comb your hair. You’ll soon notice that lice are actually falling out of your hair. Leave it for 30 minutes, and then wash your hair using laundry detergent and warm water. Before going to bed, use White Vinegar to gently massage your head and leave it overnight. Wash your hair with mild shampoo in the morning. 

7. Mayonnaise a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Mayonnaise a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Due to its rich oil content, Mayonnaise is a tested and proven remedy that helps in suffocating live head lice. All you need to do is to apply a thick layer of Mayonnaise on your scalp. For effective results, you can cover your head with a towel or shower cap. Now leave it overnight or for about eight hours and wash it off with mild shampoo. Follow this remedy once a week.

8. White Vinegar a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

White Vinegar a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Rich in acetic acid, White Vinegar works wonder in eradicating Head lice. Vinegar works to loosen up the strong bond between the nits and the hair, making it easy to remove adult lice as well as nits from the hair. For this remedy just take some water and white vinegar in equal proportion and mix it well. Now apply this mixture gently on your scalp and cover your head with shower cap or towel for about 2 hours. Now take a comb and dip it in white vinegar and comb your hair. This remedy will surely help you remove head lice to the great extent. Follow this remedy twice a week to get rid of Hair lice. 

9. Tea Tree Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

 Tea Tree Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Being a natural insecticide, the antibacterial properties of Tea tree oil make this oil highly effective in killing head lice. To use this remedy, you will need an ounce of shampoo, 3 tbsp. Olive oil and 1tsp. Tea tree oil. Mix them well and gently apply the mixture on your scalp. Leave it on your scalp for about 30 minutes and then rinse your head thoroughly with hot water. Lastly, comb your wet hair to remove the dead lice. Repeat this home remedy every night for a week to get rid of the head lice completely.

10. Petroleum Jelly a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

 Petroleum Jelly a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Petroleum jelly treatment is quite famous when it comes to killing Head Lice. All you need to do is to apply a thick layer of Petroleum jelly on the scalp before going to bed. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it overnight. In the morning, use olive oil or baby oil to remove the petroleum jelly. Use a lice comb to remove the dead lice. 

11. Listerine For Lice a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Listerine For Lice a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Listerine which is mostly used to rinse our mouth, can also be used to get rid of head lice. Listerine contains eucalyptus and thymol, which do the job of killing the lice. For this home remedy you will need some listerine, a shower cap and a nit removal comb. All you need to do is drench your hair and scalp with listerine. Now cover your hair with a shower cap to avoid the mess. Rinse your hair after 2 hours using your favourite shampoo. Now use a nit comb to remove all the dead lice from the hair and scalp. 

12. Neem Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Neem Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Neem is the most valuable herb that provides uncountable benefits for our health. Neem oil is also known to kill head lice. It blocks the air passages of both the nits and the adult lice, thus ensuring a high mortality rate. For this amazing home remedy to get rid of head lice you will need Neem oil, Shampoo and a Nit comb. Add a few drops of neem oil to your favourite shampoo and rinse your scalp and hair with it. Follow it with a thorough combing of hair using a nit comb. Use this remedy daily to get rid of head lice.

13. Alcohol For Lice a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Alcohol For Lice a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Benzyl alcohol works amazingly to kill hair lice. It does this by depriving them of air. Benzyl alcohol is a chemical approved by the FDA and is considered to be safe to be used by children above six months of age. For getting rid of head lice all you need is some Benzyl alcohol solution and Nit comb. Apply the Benzyl alcohol solution on your scalp and also on the hair. Apply this solution behind the ears and on the neck as well. Let this solution sit on for 10 minutes. Rinse your hair in a basin and comb it well to remove dead lice and nits. Repeat this home remedy after a week to get rid of the lice that have hatched from the remaining eggs. 

14. Vegetable Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Vegetable Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Not all of us have any essential or carrier oil always at home, but we surely have some vegetable oil always in our kitchen. Vegetable oil works similar to other oils. It gets rid of hair lice by suffocating them. For this home remedy you will need some Vegetable oil, Shower cap, Nit comb and Shampoo. Just apply vegetable oil on your hair and scalp, cover your hair with a shower cap, and let it sit there overnight. Rinse your hair with your favourite shampoo the next morning. Repeat this remedy for a few nights till all the lice and eggs are got rid of.

15. Eucalyptus Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Eucalyptus Oil a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Eucalyptus oil is an amazing fumigant which works to kill head lice. This oil even works against the strongest of lice who are resistant to chemical treatments. For this home remedy you will need 15-20 drops eucalyptus oil, 2 ounces olive oil, Shower cap and Nit comb. For getting rid of hair lice just Mix the eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil and apply it on the scalp and hair. Cover your head with a shower cap and let it sit there overnight. Comb your hair in the morning using a nit comb to remove dead lice and then rinse hair as usual.

16. Baking Soda a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Baking Soda a Home Remedies to stay away from lice

Baking soda works amazingly to relieve itchiness on the scalp. When baking soda is used in combination with a conditioner, it kills head lice by depriving them of air. For this home remedy you will need 1 part baking soda, 3 parts conditioner, Nit comb and Paper towel. For getting rid of hair lice mix the baking soda and conditioner together and apply this solution all over the scalp and hair. Using a nit comb, comb through your hair and wipe the comb on a paper towel after each session of combing. You will notice that adult lice, baby lice, and also nits are being removed. Now rinse your hair using your favourite shampoo.

Head lice is not just irritating, but is also the most embarrassing problem that can affect your image terribly. The worst part about lice is that they reproduce very quickly and it is really difficult to get rid of these parasites within a few days. You can try a lice comb and nit comb, but this is really a time taking process as you have to manually comb every bit of the hair on the head from the hair follicle to the hair tip. So try out these easy and effective home remedies to get rid of Head lice forever.