CREDAI Bengaluru to Conduct Certified Skill Upgradation Training for Labourers on Member Sites staring this month

Bangalore, December  ​12,​ 2016: 
CREDAI Bengaluru in a bid to improve the quality of output of labourers working on member construction sites has taken up the upgradation of the skill sets of workers along with National skill Development Council (NSDC). Towards this end, CREDAI National has outsourced four agencies to impart training. Specific skilling modules have been designed by NSDC/Construction Skill Development Council of India (CSDCI) in collaboration with the industry.

As per National Skills Development Council report, there will be a requirement for 31.1 million additional Skilled workers in the Construction sector and 14 million additional skilled workers in the Real Estate sector by 2022. Out of this 38.3 million would be 10th standard and below/drop outs. Hence, 80% of skill development has to be of Skill level 1 to 3 i.e. skills which can be acquired with short modular focused intervention, thereby enhancing employability of the minimally educated. CREDAI is an empanelled Training Partner of the Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGE&T), the Training wing of the Ministry of Labour Govt. of India

The skills addressed will be in the fields of carpentery, masonry, and allied disciplines connected to the industry.  Starting December 2016, the sessions will be of 1 hour duration spread over 10 days with a minimum batch of 30 participants comprising of two batches, at the respective sites, without interruption of the regular work schedule. The model is such that the accreditation is done by an external agency and the labourers will graduate with a certification.

Speaking on the introduction of this upgradation camp, Mr. Suresh Hari, Secretary, CREDAI-Bengaluru said, “CREDAI has currently put out the word to all its members to come forward and register their sites. We expect to begin around 50 participant sites and will then move on to the all-Karnataka level where we will have presentations in all the chapters to encourage builders to come forward and register their sites and workers for these upgradation of skills. Approval of NSDC to CREDAI to skill 25000 workers is the largest approval given by the Govt under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna 2 (PMKVY-2) scheme till date to be achieved in the next 4 months and about 1 lakhs/year for the next 4 years.

Speaking on the need for such camps, Mr J C Sharma, President, CREDAI-Bengaluru said, “CREDAI stands as an affirmation to prospective home owners that its members adhere to a high standard of quality in their construction. Though many of the members have their training program to improve the skill set of their labors, partnering with accredited agency will add muscle to skill set of the workers. Encouraging member builders to volunteer their sites for such an upgradation camp can also benefits for both builders as well as home owners. It is also a morale booster for those labourers working on various sites as it gives them a skill set that improves their market value as well”.

The first series of camps are scheduled from the month of December.