Strawberries- Your daily dose of Health

Strawberries is one of the most popular berry fruits in the world. There are more than 10 species of strawberries which have different flavour, size and texture yet they all have the same characteristics like heart-shaped, red flesh and seeded coat together with small, regal, leafy green caps and stems that adorn their crowns. Did you know strawberries are not actually berries as their seeds are on the outside. Strawberry plants are runners, and are not produced by seeds. Each strawberry has an average of 200 seeds per fruit and are actually a member of the rose (rosaceae) family. The scientific name for strawberry fruit is Fragaria ananassa, and it originated in Europe in the 18th century.
Strawberries are bright red in color, have a juicy texture, a characteristic aroma, and a sweet flavor. They are rich in vitamin C and manganese, and also contain decent amounts of folate (B9) and potassium. Strawberries are loaded with antioxidants and plant compounds, and may have benefits for heart health and blood sugar control. Mostly strawberries are eaten raw and fresh, but can also be used in a variety of jams, jellies, desserts and for food flavoring. Strawberries are tasteful fruits and almost everyone’s favorite. But how many of you know that it can be used for treating various health conditions? Yes, Strawberry is loaded with many medicinal properties and offers uncountable health benefits. Not only fruit, but strawberry leaves are also highly beneficial and cure problems like dysentery, sore throats, arthritis, scrapes, and rheumatism.
Below we are listing some other wonderful benefits of strawberries for health, hair as well as skin:
Health benefits of Strawberries
1. Strawberry Aids Weight loss-
Getting rid of unwanted weight is truly the biggest challenge faced by individuals nowadays. But now you can easily shed few pounds by including this exotic fruit to your regular diet as it is rich in antioxidants and Ellagic acid that promotes weight loss. One of the main causes for weight gain is inflammation within the body which blocks hormones which help you to lose weight. Strawberries have anti inflammatory properties which reduce inflammation and lets the hormones do their work. Strawberries contain an antioxidant known as anthocyanins which helps the body to produce more of adiponectin. It’s a hormone that promotes metabolism and suppresses appetite. Strawberries are also low in calories, hence is an amazing food to keep you full for longer without consuming much calories. Strawberries are also loaded with fiber making it an amazing food for weight loss. You can enjoy fresh mashed strawberries mixed along with some low fat greek yogurt. Strawberries can also be added to salads. You can also make some delicious desserts using strawberries like watermelon strawberry mint popsicles which contains only 31 calories.
2. Strawberry Boost Memory-
Antioxidant found in strawberries boost memory, protect the brain cells, fights free radicals and improve the functioning of the brain. A research revealed that the flavonoids in strawberries can be beneficial in delaying memory decline in women. You can enjoy a cup of raw strawberries for evening snack to keep memory related problems at bay. You can also choose to have a chilled strawberry smoothie. The main cause of most of the brain related diseases are caused due to an increase in the amount of a particular toxic protein. Eating strawberries promotes the brain’s natural cleansing system to reduce the accumulation of these toxins.
3. Strawberry Relieves Inflammation-
Strawberries contain a Flavonoids called quercetin that acts as a natural inflammatory agent and provide relief from inflammation and fro the burning sensation that occurs in the body. According to research intake of quercetin along with daily exercise can help reduce formation of atherosclerosis plaque.
Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C, which is amazing in preventing inflammation.
High levels of C-reactive protein (or CRP) can signal increasing levels of inflammation in the body. As per research, women who ate more than 16 strawberries a week were less likely to have high levels of C-reactive protein.
4. Strawberry Helps to cure Cardiovascular disease-
The large amount of Flavonoids, antioxidants, and Polyphenols makes it an ideal food to eat for treating several cardiovascular diseases and is also proven to improve the health of heart. Strawberries have anthocyanins which is an antioxidant that protects the lining of the circulatory system. This also reduces plaque buildup and regulates the blood pressure in the arteries. Consuming three or more servings of strawberries every week reduced the risk of heart attack in women. You can add strawberries to any of your morning smoothies to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. You can also have them raw as an evening snack.
5. Strawberry Promotes Nail growth-
Rich in Biotin, strawberries are the best food that protects the nails and promotes its growth. The Vitamin C and folic acid in strawberries works best to promote nail growth.
6. Strawberry Strengthen bones -
Potassium, Calcium, Vitamin K and magnesium is all you need to strengthen bone and strawberries are definitely the best food to eat to get good bone health.
7. Strawberry Improves Eyesight-
Strawberries are loaded with antioxidants and Vitamin C, which increases the functioning of retinal cells, improves the eyesight and protect the eyes from cataract, other eye diseases and macular degeneration. To improve your eyesight you can simply have a cup of strawberries as an evening snack or a strawberry smoothie.
8. Strawberry Boost Immunity-
Being an excellent source of Vitamin C, and immune boosting antibodies, Strawberries are truly the most beneficial food that you should definitely include in your diet to gain its numerous health benefits. A single serving of strawberries is known to have more vitamin C than an orange. A small bowl of strawberries contains as much as 51.5 mg of vitamin C. You can enjoy two servings of strawberries daily to meet your vitamin C needs.
9. Strawberry Help Fight Cancer-
Being a rich source of Vitamin C, fiber, and Ellagic acid, strawberries contains many cancer fighting properties that prevent cancer of the lung, skin, bladder and breast. Ellagic acid present in strawberries acts as an anti-cancer agent to slow down the production of cancerous cells, and helps the body destroy certain types of carcinogens. Strawberries play a vital role in preventing esophageal cancer. As per a study people who ate 2 ounces of freeze-dried strawberries every day. It was found that the strawberries could decelerate the progression of the lesions. Include strawberries in your diet to prevent various types of cancers.
10. Strawberry Fights Bad Cholesterol-
Strawberries contain pectin, which is a soluble fiber that fights the bad cholesterol in the body and maintains the level of good cholesterol in the body. According to a study people who ate 500 grams of strawberries daily for a month saw a decrease in their blood LDL levels. Strawberries are also very efficient in reducing oxidative damage and bad cholesterol. To fight bad cholesterol include strawberries in your morning breakfast cereal or oatmeal. You can also have a bowl of fresh raw strawberries as evening snack.
11. Strawberry Regulates Blood Pressure-
High blood pressure is one of the most common disorders today. Inclusion of strawberries as part of one’s diet can help prevent and even manage blood pressure. Strawberries are a rich source of anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that help relax the lining of the blood vessels and also open them up, thereby lowering blood pressure. Strawberries also contains potassium, a nutrient which helps in maintaining blood pressure. Including strawberries in your daily diet can help in keeping your blood pressure under control. To manage your blood pressure, simply add a few strawberries to your morning cereal or oatmeal. Adding the fruit to your evening smoothie can also work to manage your blood pressure.
12. Strawberry Treatment of Gout-
Strawberries contain certain nutrients and chemical compounds that are beneficial for the treatment of gout. Strawberries contain 90 percent water making it an important food for patients who suffer from gout. People who suffer from gout require large amounts of water to remove the uric acid crystals from the body. Strawberries also contain a lot of folate. A single cup of raw strawberries provides about 40 micrograms of folate. Deficiency of folate in the body is one of the reasons for gout. Eating foods that are rich in folate can prevent gout. Strawberries are rich in flavonoids like catechin, anthocyanins, quercetin, and kaempferol, which are powerful antioxidant and have anti-inflammatory properties. When people suffering from gout consume strawberries it helps in reducing inflammation that comes with gout. The phytochemicals like ellagic acid present in strawberries helps in stopping the inflammatory process and also reduces the risk of heart diseases and cancer.
Benefits of Strawberries for skin
1. Strawberry Prevents wrinkles-
Regular use of Strawberry seed oil boosts the collagen in the skin due to the presence of Ellagic acid that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles from the skin.
2. Strawberry Slows down aging-
Strawberries work wonders when it comes to slowing down the process of aging as it is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants and protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals. The powerful antioxidants present in strawberries protects our body from oxidative damage and stops the signs of aging. Strawberries are also rich in lycopene, an antioxidant which helps in keeping away the signs of aging. The anthocyanins present in strawberries protect the skin from oxidative stress, thereby slowing down aging. You can make a strawberry face mask to slow down the process of aging. For this strawberry face mask, you will need ½ cup raw strawberries, 1 tsp honey, and 2 tsp milk cream. In a mixing bowl mash the strawberries to make a thick pulp. To this you add honey and milk cream. Mix all ingredients properly to make a thick paste. Apply this face mask in circular motions to your face and neck. Let it sit there for 20 minutes and then wash it off using cold water. Use this face mask twice a week for best results.
3. Strawberry Improve Complexion-
Strawberries are the best remedy for your skin as it can brighten your skin tone and can improve your complexion. The ellagic acid found in strawberries reduce skin spots and scars from the skin. Strawberries contains antioxidants that protect the skin from UV damage. The vitamin B complex, glucose, carotene, and amino acids, present in strawberries help in improving the complexion. To improve your complexion all you need are some ripe strawberries and a muslin cloth. Now in a mixing bowl mash the strawberries thoroughly to get the juice. Using the muslin cloth filter this juice. Apply the filtered juice on your face and neck and let it sit there for about 20 minutes, and then wash your face with cold water. Try this remedy thrice a week to get a better complexion.
4. Strawberry Protect the skin from Sun damage-
Harmful UV radiation from the sun can damage our skin terribly, but antioxidants present in strawberries contribute and protect the skin from the sun damage. Strawberries are loaded with anthocyanins, which are known to have the power to protect our skin from sun damage. Strawberry extracts improves the cell survival and decrease DNA damage. Strawberries also contain ellagic acid which is known to have the ability to destroy free radicals, thereby preventing pigmentation that can be caused by sun damage. Strawberries can also be used to protect our skin from sunburns.
5. Strawberry Treat Puffy eyes-
Day long tiredness and fatigue can affect your looks and can make your eyes look puffy, but you can easily prevent it by including strawberries to your diet or by placing chilled strawberry slices on your eyes. Strawberries are known to have astringent properties which work amazing to treat puffy eyes. These fruits are also loaded with alpha hydroxy acid, which makes the skin look smooth and young. To treat puffy eyes at home all you need is some ripe strawberries. Keep the strawberries in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Now remove them out and slice them into thick slices. Place these strawberry slices on your face and let them sit there for about 15 minutes. Now remove these slices and wash your face with cold water. Do this remedy every night just before bedtime.
6. Strawberry Moisturize dry skin-
Strawberry seed oil contains all the properties that moisturizes the skin, repair and protect it from both inside and outside and can be used on a regular basis. Using strawberry seed oil daily can hydrate your skin and leave it feeling soft.
7. Strawberry Prevent Acne and Pimple-
The alpha-hydroxy acid present in strawberries helps to reduce dead skin cells and rejuvenate the skin, thus prevent the occurrence of acne and pimples. As per studies treatments using alpha-hydroxy acids have been found to reverse signs of aging, improve and rejuvenate photo-damaged skin. Alicylic acid and ellagic acid present in strawberries is also known to reduce hyper-pigmentation and dark spots. Salicylic acid present in strawberries is known for removing dead cells from the skin and tightening the skin pores to prevent further acne breakouts. Strawberries are also loaded with vitamin C, which works to cleanse the skin and keep it healthy. To get rid of acne you can make a face mask by mixing strawberries and honey. Strawberries are known to be mildly abrasive in nature and have exfoliating properties that work to remove the dirt, excess oils, and dead cells from the skin. Honey on the other hand helps cleanse the skin. To make this face mask you will need 2 or 3 ripe strawberries and 1 tbsp of honey. Using a small mixing bowl mash the strawberries to make a pulp. To this pulp add the honey and mix it well. Apply this strawberry and honey paste all over your face and neck. Let the face mask sit on your face for 15 minutes and then wash it using warm water and then with cold water.
8. Strawberry Act as a foot scrub-
Cracked and dry heels can make you suffer really bad. So if you want smooth and cracked free heels, then strawberry foot scrub is all you need to heal them naturally. To make this amazing foot scrub you will need 6 to 8 ripe strawberries, few drops of glycerin and 1 tbsp of ground oats. In a mixing bowl mash the strawberries to make a thick pulp. To this pulp add the glycerin and ground oats. Mix everything well and your homemade strawberry foot scrub is ready. Before you use this scrub make sure to soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes. Now apply this paste on your feet and gently scrub it to exfoliate dead and rough skin. Wash your feet with cold water.
9. Strawberry Can be used as massage oil-
Strawberries are overloaded with antioxidants, Vitamin C and many other beneficial nutrients that can protect and repair your skin. It is the also the best massage oil to use on a daily basis.
10. Strawberry Prevent Skin Irritation-
Due to the presence of Tannic acid in strawberries, it acts as the best astringent that soothes skin and prevent skin irritation. This is the main reason it’s used in many skin care products for sensitive skin.
11. Strawberry Acts as Skin Exfoliator-
The Vitamin C and salicylic acid present in strawberries are highly effective in removing dead skin cells, excess oil, sebum as well as reduce impurities from the skin. You can make an amazing skin brightening mask by using strawberries, lime juice and olive oil. To make this face mask just mash 3 strawberries in a mixing bowl and to it add few drops of lime juice and olive oil. Using a blender blend everything together to make a smooth paste. Apply this mask on your face and neck. Let it sit there for 20 minutes then rinse your face with cold water. Apply a moisturizer after cleansing your face.
12. Strawberry Lighten dark lips-
Rich in essential vitamins and minerals, strawberries can do magic to your lips. It can heal chapped lips, lighten up dark lips and can also hydrate them from both inside and outside naturally.
Benefits of Strawberries for Hair
1. Strawberry Prevent Hair Fall-
Hair fall is the most common problem that troubles almost everyone. But regular consumption of Strawberries promotes the iron absorption in the body, which in turn help your hair to grow. The silica present in strawberries, is known to prevent baldness and help in hair growth. To prevent hair fall all you need is a couple of strawberries, 1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil and 1 tbsp of honey. In a mixing bowl mix together mashed strawberries, extra virgin coconut oil and honey to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on your scalp and hair and let it sit there for 20 minutes. Now wash your hair with cold water. Apply this hair mask twice a week for best results.
2. Strawberry Fight dandruff-
It might surprise you, but strawberries are the best food to consume to treat the problem of dandruff. Strawberries are loaded with vitamin C which is known to treat conditions like dandruff caused due to weakened immunity. To fight dandruff all you need is some 3 to 4 strawberries, 1 egg yolk and a few drops of extra virgin olive oil. You can make a paste of strawberries mixed with olive oil and egg yolk and apply it on the scalp. Follow this remedy thrice a week to fight dandruff.
3. Strawberry Prevent scalp from fungal growth-
Being a rich source of magnesium, strawberries are one of the best remedies that protect the scalp from fungal growth and helps in maintaining the pH level of the scalp. To prevent fungal growth on scalp, you will need a handful of ripe strawberries, 1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil and 1 tbsp of honey. Using a blender make a smooth paste and apply it evenly to your scalp and hair. Let the paste sit in your hair for about 30 minutes and then wash your hair.
Strawberries may look small, but their vibrant color and heart shaped appearance already indicates how nutritious, healthy and sumptuous this fruit is, when eaten regularly. You can in fact cook variety of dishes with this powerful ingredient, which include strawberry ice cream, salad, muffins, pie, and the list is endless. These are not just delicious, but also very versatile and can be easily added to your diet in any form. So grow it in your garden or add it to your regular diet- the choice is all yours. Just don’t forget to add it to your regular diet.