Hyderabad, 2nd December 2016 The second Technical Workshop of BRICS Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) was held at Hyderabad on December 1-2, 2016. The Technical Workshop was part of a series of events being organised under the Chairmanship of India of BRICS Forum. The Technical Workshop was hosted by ECGC Limited, a premier Export Credit Agency of India. A total of 18 participants from BRICS ECAs participated in the meeting.

BRICS ECAs are actively involved in facilitating cross-border trade by supporting export
credits and foreign investments. BRICS countries had a share of around 22 percentage of
world trade with total exports of about USD 3.5 trillion in 2015. BRICS ECAs supported more
than USD 473 billion of exports from the member countries. The BRICS ECAs’ Forum is a unique platform aimed at exchange of best practices, expertise, information as well as development of other operational formats and agreements for promotion of closer co-operation between the BRICS ECAs.
During the Workshop, the ECAs namely ABGF (Brazil), EXIAR (Russia), ECGC (India),
SINOSURE (China) and ECIC (South Africa) discussed a wide range of topics including risk
management, reinsurance, sector credit risk evaluation systems and support to exporters’
overseas foreign subsidiary. Apart from these, the representatives also discussed the
possibility of setting up BRICS information exchange and co-operation with the New
Development Bank. The Workshop included a session on actuarial theory for export credit
insurance by an actuarial consultant.The next BRICS Technical Workshop will be hosted by SINOSURE under the chairmanship of China.
About the BRICS ECAs
The Brazilian Guarantees Agency (ABGF) was establis The Brazilian Guarantees Agency (ABGF) hed in 2013 as a state-owned company under the Ministry of Finance. ABGF’s mission is to manage state guarantee funds and to insure or provide guarantees against non-marketable risks in priority areas of economic and social interest.
The Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance (EXIAR) was established in 2011 as Insurance (EXIAR) an open joint-stock company. EXIAR's mission is to support Russian high-tech exports by insuring export credits against commercial and political risks, as well as Russian investments abroad against political risks. EXIAR is a part of Russian Export Center Group. The agency's charter capital is RUB 31 billion. Since November 2014 Eximbank of Russia, a Russian specialized government–owned export–import bank, has been a subsidiary of Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance (EXIAR).
ECGC Limited ECGC Limited (ECGC), India , India , India was established in 1957 as an export credit insurance organization wholly owned by the Government of India. ECGC’s mission is to provide credit insurance to exporters and banks in India to encourage, facilitate and develop trade between India and other countries.
The China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (SINOSURE) was established in 2001 as a state- NOSURE) funded policy-oriented insurance company with independent status of legal person. SINOSURE’s mission is to promote China’s foreign trade and economic co-operation.
The Export Credit Insurance Corporation of South Africa SOC Ltd (ECIC) was established in 2001 as rica SOC Ltd (ECIC) a state-owned registered insurer. ECIC has been mandated to enter into contracts of insurance to support medium/long-term export credit and investment transactions on behalf of the South African government.