Zzungry kickstarts recipe contest for Kids

Children between the age group of 3 – 14 years can submit recipes of innovative Indian dishes  before 10th November

 Bangalore, November 7th 2016:  Have a budding chef in your house? Here’s a chance for your little chef to showcase their cooking talent. Zzungry, a Bangalore based food company is hosting a recipe contest for kids between the age group of 3 to 14 years. If your kid has a unique talent to cook up some amazing Indian dishes, send your recipes to Zzungry.  

Shoot a video of your child cooking an interesting and innovative Indian dish. Send in your entries to manjushri@zzungry.com and win a chance to feature your kid’s recipe on Zzungry’s menu from 11th November to 17th November.

The proceeds from the sales of the winning dish will be donated to an Orphanage.

Zzungry kickstarts recipe contest for Kids

Contest rules

·       Kids have to be between 3 -14 years
·       The dish has to be Indian
·       The video entries have to be mailed to manjushri@zzungry.com before 10th November before 4 PM