India November 18, 2016: Sankara Eye Hospital, Bengaluru celebrated Children’s Day by organizing an eye screening for the children at DRDO servant staff quarters at C. V Raman Nagar and Government High School at Banaswadi. Around 400 children were screened.
Children who were identified with vision defects are advised for further treatment by the hospital. "Nanna Kannu", a unique comprehensive programme of Sankara Eye Hospital to reach out to children with visual defects, organized games and contests for children with disabilities in the hospital premises under "Nayantara - Forum to support parents of the visually challenged.

About Sankara Eye Hospital:
Sankara Eye Hospital, an NABH accredited tertiary hospital is a unit of Sankara Eye Foundation. The hospital performs over 40000 eye surgeries annually. A premier research and training centre for corneal diseases and corneal transplants in the country, the Hospital treats patients from across the world.Sankara Eye Foundation has its presence across 8 states and total bed strength of 1800. Till date more than 1.4 million free vision restoration surgeries have been performed. (
Sankara Eye Bank partners many hospitals, NGO’s and organisations in furthering the cause of eye donation. Eyes can be pledged through a dedicated page Sign4Sight is an ambitious initiative that looks at 1 million fellow Indians pledging their eyes in a year.