India 11 November 2016: Keeping in sync with the ban on rupee 1000 and 500 notes, please find below a quote by Mr Anwar Shirpurwala, Executive Director, MAIT on this move
“MAIT compliments Prime Minister Modi for his action against corruption and black money and strongly supports the Government in its mission of transformation of India. We applaud the decision taken by the government to eradicate black money. The move taken by the govt. clearly indicates that we will be depending more and more on the ICT. This move has been possible because of the availability of technology and multiple means of financial transaction. This also calls for the Govt to further look for means of increasing IT penetration, thus enabling every citizen to use technology tools and services for cashless transactions. Govt. should continue to give more emphasis on technology led schemes and programs for the betterment of the economy growth.”

About MAIT
MAIT was set up in 1982 for purposes of scientific, educational and IT Industry promotion, Representing Hardware, Training, R&D & Hardware Design and other associated service segments of the Indian IT Industry. MAIT’s charter is to develop a globally competitive Indian IT Industry, promote the usage of IT in India, strengthen the role of IT in national economic development, promote business through international alliances, promote quality consciousness in the IT Industry and transform the Indian IT Industry into a world-class industry. MAIT is recognized by both Govt. and Industry for its role in the growth & development of the IT Hardware industry in India and has emerged as a strong & effective mouthpiece of the industry.