Bangalore, November 15, 2016: In an endeavor to make schools safer and equip teachers with tips on medical emergencies, Manipal Advanced Children’s Centre (MACC)-Department of Paediatric Emergency Medicine of Manipal Hospitals conducted workshop for school teachers. The workshop Handling Unexpected Emergencies in Schoolchildren (HUES) provided teachers firsthand information to tackle minor accidents, exacerbations of preexisting ailments that may occur unexpectedly, a sudden fall or illness in schools.

The workshop addressed various emergencies like minor accidents resulting in abrasion, laceration, fractures and ligament injuries, allergies including food allergies, breathing worries like asthma and hyperventilation, choking and cardio pulmonary resuscitation, dengue in children, tips on handling fits and fainting, hand foot and mouth disease, head injury, pulled elbow, nosebleed in children and swimming pool accidents.
The workshop showcase live demo of simulations with help of mannequins. Additionally, the use of basic life support systems, use of nebulizer among children who have wheezing and splints for injuries was also demonstrated. Experts from various fields spoke briefly on care and precautions to be exercised in schools
Speaking on the occasion Dr. Gyanam Ram , Consultant Pediatric Intensivist Manipal Hospitals said, “It is not uncommon for children to fall sick or succumb to minor injuries at school. The aim of this workshop was to educate teachers to handle the situation better to avoid panic or worsening of the situation. These trainings will not only ensure that the child receives basic first aid treatment without delay but also bring in confidence among teachers and a relief to the parents.”
Going forward, Manipal will conduct this workshop every 3 months and will start similar workshop for parents on a regular basis