Top 19 things to talk to your Girlfriend to make your relationship stronger
India 4 November 2016: Nobody can deny the fact that the moment you fall in love with someone, your world goes upside down. Your life starts revolving around that one person. But to make any relationship successful, it is really important to ensure that you make each other feel loved. Another important factor that plays a vital role in making any relationship last long is your ability to express your emotions and feelings to your loved one. Girls love to hear sweet things from their partner. Hence, in order to keep your relationship flexible and strong, you must learn things that you should definitely talk to your girlfriend.

1. Talk about the Common Interests
It always feels wonderful when you connect to someone with whom you share lots of things in common. It makes you feel connected and help you share a long lasting relationship with that person. The best part about talking about the things that you both have in common makes you both feel that you are on the same page and puts aside all the differences that you both have. It really makes your bond stronger.

2. Tell her things that you like about her
No matter how old or new your relationship is, this is something that you must do in order to make her feel special. When you fall for someone, it is quite obvious that there are things that you like about her. So never miss a chance to tell her the things that you like or appreciate about them. It will not only make her happy, but it will also help your love to grow. Tell her how special she is and how her smile makes your day every time you see her. Doing such things will also make your relationship a lot more romantic than before. Try it yourself!

3. Ask her things that she likes and dislikes
Before entering into a relationship with a girl, it is really important to know her well, to know about her likes and dislikes. It does not only help you to take your relationship to another level, but it also helps your relationship to survive longer. Now that you know what your girl likes or dislikes, it will help you to act accordingly in certain situations. You can easily avoid doing things that she doesn’t like or appreciate much. And always try to be a good listener. It really helps a lot.

4. Ask her about her day at work or home
It always feels good when you know that someone is out there for you. There is someone who cares for you despite their busy schedule and life. So always make sure that you ask your girlfriend about her day at the office. Ask her what the best part of her day was. If she is feeling okay or not? These are few things that almost all girls expect from their boyfriends. So always make sure you ask her about her well being every day.

5. Talk about her future plans
When someone else becomes a part of your life, your responsibilities grow. You share your whole life with someone, be it your career or your personal life. So always ask your girl about her future plans. What she wants to do in career, what are her plans about the future, what kind of life she is planning for herself so that you can support her, guide her and help her to achieve all these things that she is planning to do.

6. Find out what she likes doing the most
To spend quality time together, it is really important to figure out what your girl likes doing the most and the best way to do it is to ask her about the things that she likes and enjoys the most. This will also give you a chance to understand your girlfriend choice and what kind of activities she enjoys.

7. Discuss about her hobbies
If you want to gain insight of your girlfriend, then asking about her hobbies is the best way to do it. You’ll know what she likes doing and you can help her get some free time to pursue her hobbies. I am sure she will be grateful to you, if you help her indulge in the hobbies again.

8. Talk about her ideal vacation destination
We all love going out on a vacation. In fact, when it comes to girls, thinking about vacation fills their body and mind with lots of excitement and fun. But we all have a different image of vacations in our mind. While some people like going out on beaches, other like to spend their vacation in warm places. Asking your girl about her favorite destination will give you many insights about her. It will also help you to understand her holiday preferences, her choice and moods. You can even surprise her by planning a trip to her favorite destination later in life.

9. Discuss serious things about life
We all have a tendency to avoid serious conversations with our loved ones, but if you really want to take your relationship with your girlfriend ahead, then discussing about serious things in life is something that you should definitely do once in awhile. Discuss about your life together as a couple, finances, family, career, priorities, sex and future expectations.

10. Her Idea of Romance
Romance is the most essential part of any relationship. So it is always better to know what her idea of romance is. Ask her what she likes, what are the things that she likes about you. Make sure you always feel her comfortable.

11. Talk about her Priorities in life
Talking about priorities is really important. As for some individual work is a priority whereas for some it is their family. So discussing things in advance will help you to understand how well you both can get along in the future and the compatibility of course.

12. Talk often about general things
It is always an advantage if you know your girl well. The best part about knowing each other well is that it help your relationship go smooth. You become flexible. You will become mentally prepared to make compromises and adjustments in the future. When you talk more and more often, you get a chance to know each other better.

13. Ask her about her Favorite TV shows and Movies
Asking your girl about her favorite movies and TV shows is beneficial in every way. You get a chance to know each other better and it also gives you an idea what you guys likes or dislikes.

14. Ask her about her family and friends
Ask her about her family, her friends and their lives, Girls love talking about their family and friends. This will also help you in the long run when you are about to meet her family to have a good conversation and to charm them.

15. Daily Gossip
Girls love to gossip, and if you know your girl well you will be able to find a topic to gossip about. Ask her about any gossip at work, her colleagues or anything else that goes on during her work hours or even after that. You can also gossip about movies and television shows.

16. Discuss about your beliefs
Yes, it helps. When you share your life with someone. It is always good to know each other beliefs and idea of living life. Discuss about your faith in god as it will help you to connect on a deeper level. It will surely bring you both closer.

17. Ask her what makes her feel happy
This is something that will help both you and your girlfriend to know herself better. Even she will get to know what really makes her happy and what is that one important thing that fills her mind with joy. It will also help her to practice things that make her feel good which will naturally make you happy.

18. Naughty Talks
sexual chemistry and naughty conversations are quite vital in any relationship. Talking naughty with your partner really helps in spicing up the relationship. Your girlfriend is surely going to love the sexual excitement you’re building with these naughty conversations.

19. Talk about your fears
Girls love a guy who can share everything with them even their fears. Talking about your fears will help to keep your relationship strong. If you there is something that bothers you, talk about it with your girlfriend. She’ll be more than interested to know and would always be ready to help you.
In order to enjoy a healthy and strong relationship with your girlfriend, it is really important to have a healthy conversation. So talk about all these things to your girlfriend and you will soon feel the fresh charm and spark in your relationship. This will also take your relationship to a completely new level. So go, try it and experience the difference yourself.