· A Premium Fitness Market Place Unitizing the Fitness Model
· An app to track a fitness activities and cost involve
· Pay as you consume, use as per convenience
India 17 November, 2016: GOODVICE is an app that helps individual get active onto his/her fitness journey with convenience. One can explore gyms, fitness studios and other fitness hubs of their choice, while booking a session at a facility among GOODVICE range of partners, at a unitized session cost. This new integration allows users to accurately track their fitness activities with partner facilities and the costs involved in the same. After going live in Aug 2016 on both the apps platform: the Android (Play Store) and iOS (App Store) GOODVICE has two interfaces. One is for the consumer (to book sessions at the nearby partner facility) and another is for the partner facility (to let the partner facility know about the transactions in their facility).

The USP of the app is to provide unit sessions to consumers, offering them the flexibility to ‘pay as you consume, use as per convenience’ with a choice of variety. This enables the consumer to explore the best of gyms, fitness studios in their desired geography, with a variety of options available. One can get all the required information about the facilities in detail, while also being able to book sessions for their friends and family. There’s no need to pay an annual or monthly membership. One can book and pay for single sessions too. The sessions booked will be of perpetual validity, which can be consumed at your own will.
“As a fitness enthusiast, I could see why individuals found it difficult to be regulars in their fitness journey, and at the same time, I could also see the problems faced by fitness centers. Regularity makes consumers truant and leaves them with the memory of financial loss. Fitness centers are thus forced to sell long-term memberships without creating habits for their users. As an entrepreneur, I could see this huge gap, while also taking note of the difficulties faced by both. With GOODVICE, we aim to address all these problems,” says Mr. Anil Prasher.
currently with 15k+ downloads in both the platform, GOODVICE has successfully partnered with 700+ Facilities across 15 cities viz Mumbai, Pune, Nashik, Nagpur, Indore, Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula & Bhopal in a mere span of 4 months with successful transactions getting registered on a regular basis. The team is currently onboarding GV Partners in Delhi-NCR & Bengaluru with Hyderabad and Chennai models in the pipeline with 10 more cities by the end of the financial year 2016-17. Soon, are looking to expand in the Middle East and South East Asian Markets.
GOODVICE is an app that helps you get active onto your fitness journey with convenience. You can simply explore gyms, fitness studios and other fitness facilities wherever you want and book your session at the facility of your choice. Say goodbye to the same boring workouts every day. Get a variety of fitness options across the city and pay per session. Get what you want and pay only what you consume!