One thing that can make your life unbearable is having fleas in the house. To get rid of fleas from your home you need a special treatment plan. To effectively keep fleas away from your home you need both physical and chemical treatments. Read on to know how to get rid of fleas and which insecticides, pesticides and other products work the best to do this job. We have also listed products that are effective to remove fleas that reside in carpets. Also Check out the best tips to kill these notorious fleas.
Tips on how to control fleas in the house:
One of the most commonly asked question is how to control fleas? To control these small irritating insects you need to get rid of all stages of their life cycle. Only then will you be able to stop fleas from infesting your home.
Pets are the breeding ground for 10% of the fleas which are basically adults. The rest – eggs, larvae, pupa and some adult fleas make a home in your carpet, bedding and living areas. If these other stages of fleas are left untreated, these nasty insects will take over your home.
Lets see, how we can get rid of these disgusting little fleas?
Read on to get some special tips on how to get rid of fleas from your home :
Vacuum your Home Daily –

Vacuuming your home daily will help you to get rid of eggs, adults, larvae and pupae which have made a home in your carpet, bedding and living areas. After vacuuming it is very important that you empty the bag of the cleaner properly. Otherwise, these eggs and larvae will develop into fleas and re-infest your home. Vacuum your house daily may be even twice a day for 2 weeks.
Regular washing –

Make it a point to regularly Wash all clothing and wash all your furnishings once a week. Don’t miss even a single piece of your blanket, sheet, towel, clothing etc. in the house if you want to get rid of fleas from your home.
Apply insecticides –

We can make use of non-toxic insecticides like Diatomaceous Earth, some fogger known to get rid of these pests, flea bombs or ask a professional exterminator to do the treatment.
What about pets?

If you have a pet and your pet has fleas it can be dreadful. Fleas find a way onto your pets no matter how clean and well protected your pet is. So to prevent fleas from making home on your pets treat your pets monthly with a spot-on flea repellents.
Do fleas climb on your dogs back will be on some minds those who having dogs in their house. To prevent a flea attack we must read this.
If you Left your fleas unattended,it is a warning that fleas inside your house will lay eggs and the infestation will quickly multiply. But people who think that flea infestations are very easy and quickly to remove, then you all are wrong. Flea removal can take weeks as eggs hatch and larvae grow. To ensure thorough removal, continue your flea elimination steps for at least six weeks. Keep in mind, fleas’ pest control starts with frequent vacuuming, clearing the yard of debris and litter. If you have pets you need to establish a regular grooming and bathing schedule.
Pesticides and insecticides for efficient do-it-yourself flea control
Read on to see how to easily kill fleas in the house. Today there are many flea control products available in the market that can be used indoor, outdoor and on pets. Use the Pesticides for fleas carefully and make sure to keep it away from you as they may cause side effects. To get rid of adult fleas use a products that contains permethrin and to kill flea eggs, larvae and pupa use a pesticide that contains pyriproxyfen or methoprene. So when you buy a pesticide to get rid of fleas make sure to read the ingredients carefully on the product label.
Here are some products which you can buy to get rid of fleas in your house:
Talstar Pro ¾ Gal (Multi Use Insecticide)

Price: $38.00
Where Can I Buy: Online on Amazon
Effectiveness: This is one of the most widely-used insecticides, Talstar is known to kill over 75 different pests and insects and is known to be very effective. This is an odorless pesticide, and is known to leave no-stain and has a long residual. Talstar pro is very effective in killing fleas.
Where to use: This pesticide can be used for indoor and outdoor pest control.
Product safety: safe when dry. Before using the product, make sure to read the label for precautions to be taken.
32 oz 7.9% Bifenthrin Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide

Price: $23.24
Where to buy: Online on Amazon
Effectiveness: The product is known to be very effective for killing fleas and can be used for pest control inside, outside, around the perimeter and food handling areas.
Permethrin SFR

Price: $22.35
Where to buy: Online on Amazon
Effectiveness: If you are looking for a product that is efficient to provide a long lasting control for different types of pests and insects including fleas, then this product is for you.
Where to use: You can use this product in commercial, residential and recreational areas.
Indoor Flea Kit for Do-It-Yourself pest control
Cost: $99.00
Where to buy: at
For controlling these nasty fleas, you don’t need to buy everything that is available in the market. Buying Indoor Flea kit is all you need as it contains:
- One Chapin Sprayer,
- One quart Permethrin SFR,
- One Petcor Flea Spray (for pets),
- One IG Regulator 1 ounce.
Insecticides or home remedy to kill fleas: What is better?

To tell you the truth home remedies really don’t work to kill fleas. To permanently get rid of these nasty fleas, using insecticides is the best solution. When deciding on a insecticide to solve your flea problem purchase an insecticide that contains Insect Growth Regulator. This formula stops the fleas from developing and maturing and stops them from laying eggs. Some products available in the market like flea foggers and flea bombs which contain IGR are very effective in killing fleas. Precor 2000 Plus is one of those products, which contains IGR and an insect knockdown agent in it.
How to control fleas in the carpet with seven really-working products

Nowadays there are various solutions available which are very effective in getting rid of fleas in the carpets. The key to get rid of fleas residing in your carpet is correct application of the solution. If you don’t read the instructions properly then you will fail in the process of eliminating the fleas.
Interesting Most pet owners control fleas by applying special drops to the skin of their pets. Such medicated drops does not work for every animal. it is because The parasites may develop immunity to current item of the product use. Thus many veterinarians will suggest you to use pills as an alternative.
Let’s look at some products which can answer our question of How to kill fleas in carpet?
Fleabusters Rx for Fleas Plus

If you have a flea problem in your house then we suggest you to use Fleabusters Rx. This product can also be used as a preventative measure to ensure you never have a flea problem in your home.
Price: $ 28.50
Where to buy: Online on Amazon
Where to use: Put this powder on your carpets. This powder can also be used to treat your stairs, halls, rooms and bedrooms.
How it works: Fleabusters Rx is a fine, powdery substance, which needs to be sprinkled on the carpet. This powder clings to carpet fibers so when you vacuum it still doesn’t come off. The larvae attaches to the powder and dehydrates and dies.
Product Safety: Use this product only in your home and not on your pets. It is safe to use.
Precor IGR Concentrate

Precor IGR Concentrate is perfect for controlling pre-adult flea infestations. If you are looking to target fleas which are in the egg and larval stages of development, then Precor is an excellent product for you to buy. This product will stop the flea eggs from developing. Precor IGR Concentrate can stop the emergence of adult flea for upto seven months.
Price: $53.50
Where to buy: available on Amazon
Where to use: This product is specifically made to be used for indoor control only of pre-adult fleas. It’s best used on carpets.
Application: One can apply Precor using a fan tip or low pressure sprayer at a rate of one oz per one gallon of the diluted spray solution per 1500 sq ft of surface area.
Product safety: Precor IGR Concentrate is completely safe for pets in its dry form. Make sure to read the label before using Precor.
Precor will work amazingly to control active flea infestations and kill fleas in your house. Combining precor with Demize E.C. or Suspend SC is also found to be effective against adult fleas.
Diatomaceous Earth plus Natural Borax Solution

Fleas are known to multiply very rapidly. You don’t wanna have these nasty pests invading your home. Of you don’t want to call the exterminator and do not want to use any toxic chemicals then we suggest you to buy these 2 excellent products:
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Powder by Vi-Olivia Organics
Price: $19.99
Where to buy: Online on Amazon

Natural borax: Natural borax mixed with diatomaceous earth works excellently to remove flea eggs from your carpet. Leave this mixture on your carpet for a day or two. And then vacuum your carpet to get rid of them. You need to repeat this natural treatment multiple times to get rid of them completely.
Flea Killer for Carpets by Enforcer

Flea Killer for Carpets by Enforcer is a dry, fresh-scented powder which when used on carpets and most types of floors works excellently to kill the fleas. This powder is known to help to break the flea life cycle preventing future re-infestations.
Price: $3.98
Where to buy: Online on
How to use: It’s very easy to use all you need to do is simply sprinkle the powder on the carpet and vacuum it later. This product is ideal for periodic treatments of carpets and adjacent flooring to kill all fleas.
Enforcer XX Flea Spray for carpets and furniture

Price: $5.98
Where to buy: Online on
One of the best product to kill flea eggs, flea larvae and prevent flea infestation for up to 4 months and breaks flea cycle.
Ultra Quard Plus Flea and Tick Carpet Powder by Hartz

Price: $5.37
Where to buy: Online on
How to use: Sprinkling a little Ultra Quard Plus Flea and Tick Carpet Powder by Hartz
the flea carpet powder on your carpet works to kill fleas residing in it. This powder is known to kill fleas for up to thirty days after sprinkling the powder. The powder is so powerful that it eliminates flea eggs and larvae from your house for up to 1 year.
Keep in mind that the process of getting rid of fleas requires treating the pet and house at the same time. It’s best to treat your whole house when you find these pests around. Vacuum your house clean and then try any one of the products that we suggested. If these tips and products fail to help you in getting rid of fleas in your house, then it might be time to call an exterminator to solve this problem.