India 14 November 2016: Nobody likes to make a fool of themselves, especially at the office Christmas party. All things considered, you'll be obliged to front up to those same colleagues the next week and on the off chance that they have an astoundingly lowered opinion of you after the party. it'll feel more than awkward...
While the office Christmas gathering can make stresses for both bosses and employees, it is an occasion where you can at present behave professionally and have some good times, and gives an extraordinary chance to mingle with colleagues and managers inside your organization whom you regularly don't have an opportunity to talk with. This all boils down to one thing "behave right and you'll have a great night". Read on for some straightforward tips to behave at the office Christmas party.
1 Prepare yourself mentally before the event and show up.

- Instead of being scared of the occasion, being positive about the event can provide you the much-needed balance. You know that office parties are an important part of the office life and regardless of how you feel about going for the party, you need to attend it.
- Office parties are a good place to meet your superiors in a more casual and chilled out environment and a you get a chance for networking with new people. Both these things are very important to grow at your workplace.
- Office parties are normally held in the best hotels, It’s an excellent chance for you to enjoy some amazing food and alcohol for free!
- If you plan on leaving early from the party then you should make up your mind in advance. So that you come prepared with valid early exit strategy, like you can say that you have to attend your kid's Christmas concert, or your spouse's family Christmas party, etc.This way you don’t seem to feel awkward or strange leaving early.
2 Arrange for a friend to call you at a set time.

Here is another amazing strategy you can apply to leave early, You can ask your friend to call you at a set time, then you can tell your colleagues that you must leave on an urgent matter. Some good excuses that you can use to leave are your friend's car broke down on the highway or your family is locked out of the apartment and you have the keys.
3 Decide what to wear for the party.

Dressing for an office party can be tricky so find out what everyone else is wearing for the party and match the others with your outfit :
Make sure to be dressed for the occasion or that will immediately make the rest of the evening very uncomfortable for you as you won’t fit in.
If you are a woman then avoid wearing revealing clothing because you don’t want to be around your superiors dressed like that. You need to think beyond the christmas party of the image you'd like your colleagues and superiors to retain of you.
If the party is right after work, then you don't have to worry as no one will be having the time to change, so work clothes are perfect to go with.
4 Arrive for the party on time.

If you decide to attend the office party then make sure you arrive for the party on time. Turning up is not an option as your superiors will be there and you don’t want them to be judging you. Arriving on time for the office Christmas party gives you a chance to greet everyone, and you also get a way to leave early without seeming rude.
5 Mingle with colleagues and superiors.

When you at a office Christmas party make sure to acknowledge all your colleagues, and especially your seniors and their friends as this is your opportunity to cement relationships with your superiors and to get known in a good way. Talk to your colleagues and superiors about fun things you remember and not about some work issues.
If the person you don't like is there, it's always good to have a quick chat with them, and don’t forget to keep the smile on.
Office parties are really informal, but take care of what you speak to your superiors about. So it’s best to keep personal talk out of it.
6 Always drink responsibly.

Very very important that you don't forget where you are, because you're with the work crowd so drink responsibly. Everything that happens at a office party has the potential to be turned into a judgment on your professionalism and work suitability. Getting out of control on the liquor at the work
Christmas party, can really hamper your reputation at work. Even if the management has insisted that everyone let down their hair, just don't. If you plan to get drunk then wait until after the party; grab a few trusted colleagues and head off to a bar or somebody’s home to get sloshed.
At the office party make sure to eat first before drinking. As drinking on an empty stomach can get you drunk quickly. Space your drinks with water and food, and lots of conversation.
Make sure you join in the drinking to fit in, but keep your limits. Keeping your limits is important as someone is always watching you and judging you in the workplace context.
Never and I repeat never allow yourself to get hammered under any circumstances. You don’t want to regret anything stupid that you did, the next morning.
7 Be smart and careful before declaring your underlying romantic intentions.
Office Christmas party is the time when you may feel tempted to make your move to tell a crush from your office how you feel about them. Now this move of yours can go either way. So before you make your big move remember that, you will have to see this person at work the next day. Ask yourself do I really fancy this person? Does he/she like me? How many drinks have I had already? Will I regret this the next morning? If you fail this reality check then you should stop right there. But if you pass this reality test and you have strong feelings for that person, then this is the opportunity you've been waiting for.
Make your move privately and be discreet. If your colleagues will be talking this for quite some time if they see anything happen.
If in the party you find yourself being hit on and this is not what you like, then be smart. You don't want to spoil your work relationships with any of your colleagues or bosses, so you should let them down gently and tactfully.
Do not touch people in inappropriate ways as that can be misinterpreted, or say things which are considered demeaning or sexually provocative this can lead you into some serious trouble at work.
8 Help others.
If you see a colleague over drinking or making a move when they are clearly not totally rationally insightful, walk in and protect them out. Let them know what they are doing and how it is perceived by others. On the off chance that this doesn't soak in, attentively call for a taxi and take them home. This is one time where your own official basic leadership can spare their reputation. You can simply come back to the Christmas party if you want, however don't raise what you've just done, as it's something you did to settle things discreetly and with grace.