Christmas 2016: Food to include in your christmas dinner

India 12 November 2016: Christmas season is close at hand and gives us an excuse to indulge in some tasty christmas delicacies. We have put together a few food items which you should include in your must-haves on this Christmas eve.

Roast Turkey

Roast Turkey Food for christmas dinner

Any Christmas meal is just incomplete without a roast turkey. Finding turkey meat in India is difficult, but you can definetly find it. Turkey meat is known to be much more  healthier than other meat options as it is lean.

Plum Pudding

Plum Pudding Food for christmas dinner

For ages one of the traditional Christmas food that is served during Christmas is plum pudding. Did you know that, a plum pudding doesn't contain plums and is full of dry fruits. So go ahead and enjoy this amazing traditional and sumptuous plum pudding.

Pumpkin Pie


Pumpkin Pie Food for christmas dinner


Pumpkin pie is another traditional Christmas dessert. This tasty dessert is also served during Thanksgiving and Halloween. We know that getting the pulp out of the pumpkin is a messy process, Hence you can also make this perfect pumpkin pie using canned pumpkin pulp.

Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry Sauce Food for christmas dinner

We all love cranberry sauce, and yes it’s on our list of foods to eat this Christmas. What's better, is that, it is so easy to make and goes well with the roast turkey. For the holidays, you can make this Perfect Cranberry Sauce by using fresh or frozen cranberries.

Christmas Cake

Christmas Cake Food for christmas dinner

Christmas is just incomplete without a Christmas cake. Christmas cakes are the center of attraction of your Christmas dinner table. Christmas Cake is type of fruitcake served at Christmas time.

Apple Cider

Apple Cider Food for christmas dinner

Apple cider is a popular drink which is served in many christian households during the Christmas festive season. This is an amazing drink with all the goodness of apples which also helps to drain out all the unhealthy toxins from your body and make this amazing Christmas treat healthy as well.


Greens Food for christmas dinner
Greens are never a bad option to add to your Christmas dinner. Greens also help to add an extra color to your dinner table but they also are super healthy and help to neutralize all the damage caused by all those puddings and pies we gonna hog on.


Rum Food for christmas dinner


Christmas is the time of the year to eat, drink and make merry, we just can’t stop you your right to alcohol during Christmas. Rum is also known to keep you warm this christmas season against the harsh cold winds.