v Regulation & Compliance, Creation of skilled workforce, building awareness
v Increase expenditure on security
v Building culture of digital hygiene to handle cyber threats
Hyderabad, November 22, 2016: The growing threat of cyber-attack is fast becoming a reality that organizations, individuals and countries are battling. With the explosive growth of Internet & connected appliances – Cyber Security is emerging as the next major threat disrupting conduct of business and disruption of Government functioning and individual security. To tackle this rising threat, a combination of building awareness and collaboration is key to managing these threats – Mr. K T Rama Rao, Hon’ble Minister for IT & MAUD, Govt. of Telangana said.

Delivering his address as Chief Guest at SCSC Cyber Security Conclave 2.0 with nearly 200 delegates, Mr. Rama Rao said cyber threats are being perpetrated by unknown attackers whose identity & purpose are unclear. This makes managing threats and vulnerabilities very difficult. Against this unknown enemy who could disrupt business and nations – creating awareness and building collaboration with Cyber Security experts is key to managing them. Creating a digital & cyber hygiene is critical to dealing with rising threats in cyber security.
Stating the seriousness of Govt. of Telangana in developing India’s First Cyber Security Policy, Mr. Rama Rao said this conclave will help in taking it from policy creation to execution. To achieve this, the Govt. of Telangana is working to create pool of skilled Cyber Warriors who are trained to identify vulnerabilities and also manage them. The Govt. of Telangana is creating a Road Map for this transition from Policy to Execution with the help of cyber security experts from Israel and Netherlands.
Mr. Ram Levi, CEO & Founder – Konfidas, Israel talked about the big picture of cyber threats which are sector agnostic and can affect any business or nation. Whether it was revenue loss for mobile operator in UK, stoppage of gas production in Middle East, big bank heist or credit card fraud – it’s also about cyber threats and impact on data and business. Mr. Levi said it’s important that private enterprises need to be given incentives to improve security standards, making it harder for attackers by following basic cyber hygiene and encourage defenders to get and share threat intelligence and understand who they are defending. A big issue is about developing capacity and training work force.
Mr. C P Gurnani, Chairman – Nasscom, MD & CEO – Tech Mahindra said the Cyber Security business opportunity will grow into a $35 billion from its present $1 billion. The software industry should collaborate with Govt. and Academia to develop skilled workforce who are trained to deal with growing threat of cyber threats. Dr. Ajay Kumar, Additional Secretary – MEITY, Govt. of India said the Digital India policy has Cyber Security as an integral part and the Prime Minister gives utmost importance as it’s akin to National Security. The Govt. of India is keen to build awareness on cyber security and collaborate with industry and academia to create a skilled pool of talent to manage cyber security threats.
There was a demo on hacking in hospitals by Mercedes Benz Research Center, another demo on the lifecycle of hacking by Intel in the sessions thereafter. The sessions on Managed Security Services, BFSI and Forensics had speakers from industry, academia and Government.
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SCSC Cyber Security Conclave 2.0 is being organized by Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) and Kenes Exhibitions, supported by Dept. of Information Technology, Government of Telangana with eco-system partners that include NASSCCOM, Tie-ISB & ITsAP among others.