Amazing and wonderful Health benefits and uses (effective) of Neem Herb (Margosa) for skin health and hair

Amazing and wonderful Health benefits and uses (effective) of Neem Herb (Margosa) for skin health and hair

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health

Neem- The Magical Herb For Your Health, Hair, and Skin

Neem- The Magical Herb For Your Health, Hair, and Skin

Also known as Indian Lilac, Neem is the most valuable herb that provides uncountable benefits to our health as well as the body. In India neem is also known by various names in different languages as Veppilai in Tamil, Vepai in Telugu, Aaru Veppila/Veppila in Malayalam, Limba in Gujarati, Bevu/Olle Bevu in Kannada, Nim in Hindi, Nim/Nimba Pata in Bengali and Kadulimb in Marathi. Almost all parts of leaves can be used to treat various health conditions which include its seeds, leaves, barks, as well as flowers. It has also been an integral part of Ayurveda for more than 1000 years. From treating Leprosy, eye disorders to skin ulcers, Neem leaf can treat hundred of severe Health problems. Neem is also largely used as an insecticide. 

Benefits of Neem for Skin

Benefits of Neem for Skin

1. Prevents aging

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Prevents aging

Neem is one of the most effective remedies to delay signs of aging. Its regenerative properties and immune stimulating compound fight the pathogen below the skin surface, which help the skin to remain supple and prevents aging. 

How to use neem to prevent aging

Application of neem oil on your face helps in soothing the skin and lowers the effects of aging, you can also add neem powder in face packs.

2. Treat acne

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Treat acne

Neem is overloaded with antibacterial and medicinal properties that clear acne and prevents breakouts. It is also highly effective to get rid of whiteheads and blackheads.

How to use neem to treat acne

For treating acne you can grind a few neem leaves with some tulsi leaves to make a powder. Mix this powder with a little rose water to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on the acne affected skin to get rid of pimples naturally.

3. Cure skin dryness

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Cure skin dryness

To prevent skin dryness, it is really important to moisturize the skin without making it oily and using Neem face pack is definitely the best way to do that. 

How to use neem to cure skin dryness

You can also mix some neem powder with water and few drops of grape seed oil to make a homemade neem face pack. Apply this amazing homemade neem face pack to moisturize your face and get rid of skin dryness..

4. Helps to treat skin infections

The benefit of using Neem is that it prevents skin infection and manage bacteria so that they do not overgrow. Since it is a good antibacterial cleanser, it can be used to treat several skin infections. 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Helps to treat skin infections

How to use neem to treat skin infections

Make a concoction by boiling 20 neem leaves in a litre of water and strain it and let it cool. Add 100 ml of this concoction to your bathing water to get rid of any skin infections.

5. Makes your skin scars free and glowing

Not many people know this, but Neem is the best remedy to get a radiant and glowing skin. Neem can also help you get rid of many skin problems like skin dullness, aging, pigmentation, and blackheads that will make your skin look flawless and youthful. 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Makes your skin scars free and glowing

How to use neem to make your skin scar free and glowing

To get Glowing skin, prepare a paste of neem leaves and turmeric with a little water and use it as a face mask twice a week. Applying this paste is usre to give you clear and glowing skin

6. Controls excess oil

Neem has amazing properties which work to control the overproduction of sebum in the skin. Neem is known to not only control excess oil but also prevents acne breakouts.

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Controls excess oil

How to use neem to control excess oil

Mix some neem oil with a juice of one lemon and some yogurt to make a  nice oil control face pack. Apply this neem face pack twice a week to get rid of the excess oil from the facial skin.

7. Lightens skin pigmentation

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Lightens skin pigmentation

Neem is known to have properties that work to lighten skin pigmentation and get rid of blemishes from the skin.

How to use neem to lighten skin pigmentation

To get rid of pigmentation and blemishes use a homemade face pack made by mixing neem powder, tulsi powder, sandalwood powder and some rose water. Apply this face pack and let it dry on your face. Rinse it off using cold water. Use this face pack regularly to get rid of pigmentation and blemishes completely.

8. Get rid of blackheads

Neem is very useful in getting rid of blackheads and other skin impurities and gives you clear glowing skin.
Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Get rid of blackheads

How to use neem to remove black heads

To remove blackheads dilute a few drops of neem oil in water and apply it directly on the blackheads. Applying this solution regularly is sure to get rid of blackheads and prevent them from forming again. 

9. Treats Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a painful skin disease which is mostly associated with dry and scaly skin, psoriasis makes your skin look like it’s burnt. Neem oil works amazingly to stop the irritation caused by it. It also works as a good moisturizer for the skin, which helps to reduce the dryness and scaling. The neem oil has antibacterial properties which prevent the infection from increasing.

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Treats Psoriasis

How to use neem to treat psoriasis

Apply neem oil diluted with a little water on the affected area to get relief from the irritation and the itching. 

10. Get rid of Eczema

Eczema is another skin problem which causes your skin to become dry and itchy. The best way to get instant relief from the irritation caused by eczema is to use neem. Neem also works to clear the rash caused by eczema.
Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Get rid of Eczema

How to use neem to get rid of eczema

Make a paste by boiling the neem bark and grinding it with some water to form a smooth paste. Apply this neem bark paste on the eczema affected area to get instant relief from the irritation caused.

11. Removes Dark Circles

Are dark circles making you look dull, then neem is the remedy you need to try. Neem works amazingly in reducing pigmentation and moisturizes the skin under the eyes. 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Removes Dark Circles

How to use neem to remove dark circles

To make this home remedy make a paste of water and some neem powder. Apply this paste on the dark circles below the eyes. Let it sit there for 15 minutes and then rinse it off using cold water. Apply this regularly to see your dark circles disappear.

Benefits of Neem for Hair

1. Prevents Hair Fall 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Prevents Hair Fall

Neem is the best medicine to treat excessive hair fall and baldness as it makes the hair stronger and helps your hair to regrow.

How to use neem to prevent hair fall

You can use Neem as a hair mask by making a paste of neem leaves and some water. Apply this hair mask in your hair and let sit there for 20 minutes and then rinse it off using water and a mild shampoo. Alternatively you can also use Neem infused water to rinse your hair to control hair fall. 

2. Treat Dandruff

Neem is a great scalp cleanser due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It keeps the skin hydrated, eliminates dandruff and is highly effective to treat male-pattern baldness. 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Treat Dandruff

How to use neem to treat dandruff

For treating dandruff, you just need to boil some Neem leaves in water, let it sit aside and cool down. Strain this water in a bottle and use it to rinse your hair after you shampoo.

3. Treat Scalp related issues

If you are suffering from any kind of scalp infection, then Neem is surely the best remedy to get rid of it. The benefit of using neem hair pack on the scalp is that it retains the moisture in the hair and prevent dryness. 
Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Treat Scalp related issues

How to use neem to treat scalp related issues

Apply a mix of henna powder, neem powder, yogurt, lemon, black tea and coffee on your scalp and hair. This mixture is sure to solve all your scalp related issues by disinfecting it and moisturizing it.

4. Promote Hair Growth

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Promote Hair Growth

Neem contains regenerative properties that reduce hair fall and also improve the blood circulation level in the scalp that helps hair to regrow. 

How to use neem to promote hair growth

Massaging your scalp with neem oil works to improve the blood circulation in the scalp and promotes hair growth.

5. Maintains the health of the Scalp

Neem helps in keeping the scalp problems away and also works to retain the moisture in the hair and preventing them from becoming dry and dull.

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health Maintains the health of the Scalp

How to use neem to maintain a healthy scalp

To strengthen your hair and to get a healthy scalp, take a few drops of Neem Oil and rub it on your scalp. Follow this remedy twice in a week for a month to give a new life to your hair. 

Health Benefits of Neem

1. Treat Ulcers

Ulcers are one such problem that often troubles us and occurs due to the disturbed pH level of the stomach and intestine. So if you are looking for a fast and effective to treat ulcers, then Neem is all you need as it balances the pH level and its analgesic properties reduce the pain. 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem to Treat Ulcers

How to use neem to treat ulcers

Consuming neem bark extracts 30 mg two times a day regularly helps to cure stomach ulcers.

2. Helps to treat Asthma

Neem works amazing to help you treat many respiratory disorders like asthma, wheezing, cough and breathing problems. 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem Helps to treat Asthma

How to use neem to treat asthma

To treat asthma completely, start with taking 3 drops of Neem oil and put it in the center of your tongue and swallow. Increase the dosage to 4 drops next week and so on. It can go up to 1 tablespoon. 

3. Aids digestion

Being a rich source of Fiber, Neem can really help you to aid digestion. It also contains many essential nutrients, proteins, fats, amino acids, fats and calcium that improve the functioning of the digestive system.
Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem Aids digestion

How to use neem to aid digestion

Consuming a few neem leaves directly works well to help with digestion and solve many digestive problems like gas, constipation etc.

4. Treat Diabetes

Neem acts as an insulin that maintains the blood sugar level and helps to balance sugar metabolism. It is also one of the best natural remedies to get long lasting relief from diabetes. 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem to Treat Diabetes

How to use neem to treat diabetes

It is suggested that having 4-5 leaves of Neem early in the morning on an empty stomach is very beneficial in controlling diabetes. 

5. Maintains Dental Health

Neem has been in use since ancient times as an oral remedy as it prevents gum diseases and also cures the bleeding of gum and bad breath. You can also use it to treat a toothache and can get shiny teeth by brushing them with twigs. Using Neem twigs also treats cavities, plaque as well as foul smell. 
Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem to Maintains Dental Health

How to use neem to maintain dental health

You can use neem twigs to brush your teeth, to make them white and shiny. Chewing on neem twigs helps you get strong teeth and also protects your gums from gum problems. 

6. Balance Hormone level

Due to its cleansing and medicinal properties, Neem works best to maintain the hormonal levels in the body. It also improves the blood circulation level and cleanses both the blood and body.  When neem leaves are taken daily it helps in improving blood circulation as well as preventing hormonal imbalances which are the main cause for some skin and hair problems

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem to Balance Hormone level

How to use neem to balance hormone levels

Eating 2-3 neem leaves along with little honey, every morning on an empty stomach and you will see the difference for yourself.

7. Treat Malaria

Neem is a natural antipyretic agent. Malaria is known to affect the functioning of the liver. Consumption of neem leaves works to keep your liver safe from the effects of malaria and also improve the health of your liver.

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem to Treat Malaria

How to use neem to treat malaria 

To keep yourself safe from Malarial side effects, eat a few leaves of Neem regularly. 

8. Can cure Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is one of the health problems that many women are going through these days. But it can be controlled with the immune boosting properties of Neem capsules. These Immune boosting properties of neem protect the body from the damage caused by the free radicals.

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem Can cure Breast Cancer

How to use neem to cure breast cancer

You can take neem capsules twice a day regularly to fight against the breast cancer causing free radicals. These capsules should be taken with water after a meal.

9. Heal wounds and Rashes

Rich in antibacterial and therapeutic properties, Neem is a herb that heals almost all wounds and rashes. It also contains many antiviral and antifungal properties that help to treat all infections and health conditions. 
Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem to heal wounds and rashes

How to use neem to heal wounds and rashes

To heal wounds and rashes you can make a paste by mixing neem leaf powder and honey and apply it on the affected area.

10. Treat Joint pain and Muscle pains

Neem oil is highly beneficial to treat joint pain and muscle pains. Neem oil is also a proven remedy to treat arthritis. 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem’s Treat Joint pain and Muscle pains

How to use neem to treat joint pain and muscle pain

Drink Neem juice or take a few drops of neem oil and apply it on the muscles and joints to get rid of the pain.

11. Antibacterial properties

Neem is loaded with antibacterial properties which works amazingly to treat many diseases caused by bacterias. Even some fatal diseases like chicken pox and small pox have been treated by applying neem tree paste.
Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem’s antibacterial properties

How to use neem’s antibacterial properties

To make use of the antibacterial properties of neem just grind a few neem leaves with a little water to form a smooth paste and then apply this paste on the affected areas to treat them.

12. Natural Contraceptive

Since ancient times neem has been used as an natural contraception method. People have used it for birth control and abortions.

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem as a natural contraceptive

How to use neem as a natural contraceptive

To use neem as a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy, you can mix a water based vaginal lubricant and neem oil in the ration 9 to 1. Apply this lubricant mixture before intercourse to avoid unwanted pregnancy. 

13. Treats Nail Problems

Are common nail problems like splintering and peeling of nails worrying you? Then start using neem oil to stop them. Neem oil works to strengthen your nails and prevent them from becoming brittle. Nail infection can also be one of the reasons for these problems. The antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of neem works well to stop the infections and makes your nails healthy

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem to Treats Nail Problems

How to use neem to treat nail problems

To stop nail related problems just massage your nails and cuticles with a little neem oil to get infection free strong healthy nails.

14. Treat Leprosy

Since ancient days neem has been used to cure a dreaded disease like leprosy. As per research neem leaves and sap have been found to be very effective in curing leprosy. 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem to treat leprosy

How to use neem to treat leprosy

You can use neem oil to massage people having leprosy to treat it, as it heals the skin and reduces inflammation when massaged regularly.

15. Purifies the Blood

Neem is known to be a natural blood purifying agent which removes all the toxins from the blood. The blood purifying properties of neem protects you from many skin problems and cancers by fighting free radicals.

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem to purify the blood

How to use neem to purify the blood

Drinking Neem leaves extract daily helps in purifying, detoxifying the blood and fighting against any inflictions and damages caused by free radicals in the body.

16. Improves Vision

Neem flowers are said to be very beneficial for improving the eyesight. 

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem Improves Vision

How to use neem to improve vision

To use neem flower for improving eyesight you need to dry the neem flowers and then fry them. Eat these fried neem flowers regularly to improve your vision.

17. Used in Aromatherapy

Used in Aromatherapy

Neem flowers oil is used in aromatherapy as it has a calming and restorative effect on the body. Today many creams, massage oils and astringent available in the market contain neem flower oil.

18. Protects the Liver

excessive or regular alcohol consumption often makes the liver to become weak. Neem juice works amazing to improve the functioning of the liver. Neem juice works amazingly to improve the liver conditions.

How to use neem to protect the liver

How to use neem to protect the liver

Boil a cup of water, once it has reached it’s boiling point add a few neem leaves and let it steep. Now using a strainer strain this liquid and let it cool. Drink this neem juice to protect your liver from damage and improve its functioning.

19. Used as a Natural Pesticide

Neem oil is used in many of the pesticides and insecticides as a major ingredient. Neem is said to have a natural pesticidal properties which works very effective in keeping pests away.

Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem as a natural pesticide

How to use neem as a natural pesticide

To make your own homemade neem pesticide take a liter of water in a spray bottle to which you add some liquid soap, neem oil. Mix all these ingredients well, and your homemade neem pesticide is ready to keep insects away. Just spray this homemade neem pesticide on the plants to keep insects away. Neem oil pesticides don’t kill the bugs, but is very effective in repelling them.

20. Treats Earache

In ayurvedic medicine neem seed extracts are used to make ointments and drops to treat earache and eye problems. Neem seed extracts antibacterial properties are known to fight the bacteria which cause ear infections.
Benefits of Neem for hair, skin and health How to use neem to treat earache

How to use neem to treat earache

You can use neem seed extracts as ear drops as natural home remedy to cure earaches. Just put 2 - 3 drops of this extract in your ears to fight the infection caused by the bacteria. Follow this remedy thrice a day to get relief from earaches.


Due to its easy availability and multiple health benefits, anyone can use neem to gain its tremendous health benefits. Use it as a face mask, oil or in juice form- the choice is all yours. It can also be used as a body soap due to its antiseptic properties. Other uses of neem include flood prevention, to control soil erosion, improves the fertility of the soil and is highly effective in pests and insects control too. The plantation of Neem trees is a great way to get rid of pollution too. So plant more and more neem trees to enjoy its magical health benefits.