India 15 November 2016: The biggest joy of Christmas is keeping Christ the center of your family’s Christmas celebrations. Christmas preparations makes us all busy in buying presents, throwing parties, cooking food, But in between all these things we tend to forget Christ.
Read on for ideas on how your family can truly celebrate Christ this Christmas.
The best way to get in the spirit of Christmas is to decorate your house with nativity sets, you can also try making your own at home. You can use these nativity sets to teach your children the Christmas story about the birth of Jesus.2. SERVE OTHERS AS A FAMILY
This Christmas season spread the joy of the festivities by serving the underprivileged. You can choose to do some charity this Christmas season to spread the joy.3. DELIVER TREATS WITH SCRIPTURE
We all prepare various delicacies to give our friends and families, but we forget about the main reason we celebrate Christmas. So this christmas while you deliver the treats, also attach a note declaring the good news of Jesus.4. DECORATE A JESSE TREE
Have you heard of a Jesse Tree? If No, a Jesse Tree is a very old Christmas Tradition which started in medieval times. Jesse trees are used to help tell the story of the Bible from creation to the Christmas Story. This is a fun way to tell your children the Christmas story.5. COUNT DOWN THE DAYS WITH AN ADVENT WREATH
Advent is the time to spiritually prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus on Christmas. For ages a tradition of lighting the candles of an Advent or Christmas wreath. You and your family can celebrate Advent by lighting a candle for each week leading up to Christmas eve.6. KEEP GIFT-GIVING SIMPLE
We all celebrate the joy of Christmas by giving and receiving gifts, but this Christmas try to keep gifting very simple and take time to gift jesus your love, worship, gratitude, praise, an offering for missions or an act of ministry.7. THROW A “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESUS” PARTY
We all celebrate our and our kids birthdays by throwing a party, why not do the same and celebrate jesus’s birthday. Invite the less fortunate in your neighborhood and throw a party for them and see the joy on their faces.8. DRAMATIZE THE CHRISTMAS STORY
You can dramatize your christmas story for your children by enacting it. Your kids are sure to love it. Alternatively you can also take them to a nearby theater where there is a play on nativity.9. WATCH THE NATIVITY STORY
This Christmas instead of watching some cheesy movies, choose to watch The Nativity Story this Christmas. You can watch it together with your family on Christmas Eve.
You and your children can decorate your Christmas tree with homemade paper chains. Each chain in the garland contains a Scripture from the Christmas story, you can spend the days leading up to Christmas opening up and reading the verses.