India 02 October 2016: It’s easy to get beautiful, shinny and strong hair without spending a lot on expensive hair care products by making use of some of the most effective home remedies. The curry leaves that you find in your kitchen is one of those amazing herbs which can work wonders for your dull and weak hair.

For ages curry leaves are known for their medicinal values. Many hair care products contain curry leaves as an ingredient in them. Curry leaves help to stimulate quick growth of hair. Curry leaves are loaded with nutrients which are vital for healthy hair growth. The presence of antioxidants, amino acids, beta-carotene and proteins help in reducing hair fall by strengthening the hair follicles.
The benefits of curry leaves for hair can be obtained by either through adding it to your diet or topical application.
Curry Leaves (Kadi Patta) Rejuvenate the Damaged Hair Follicles

If you have damaged hair, Curry leaves can rejuvenate the damaged hair follicles. As curry leaves contain vital nutrients which help to restore the strength of your hair follicles. Using them also promotes hair growth.
Curry Leaves (Kadi Patta) Promotes Hair Growth

Use of store bought hair strengthening products, hair products containing chemicals, and pollution clog the hair follicles. Clogging of the hair follicles is one of the major reason for hair fall and damage. Curry leaves help to unclog the hair follicles helping them to breathe properly which rejuvenates the follicles and hence, promotes hair growth.
Curry Leaves (Kadi Patta) for Stronger Hair

Vitamin B is good for the hair roots. Curry leaves are loaded with Vitamin B which helps in the growth of new healthier, stronger and denser hairs.
Curry Leaves (Kadi Patta) - Premature Hair Graying

There are many reasons for Premature hair graying such as stress, smoking, genetic build-up or alcohol. You also start losing hair because of premature graying of hair. Premature graying makes your hair lifeless, weak and soon the hair starts shedding. The Vitamin B present in curry leaves also prevents premature hair graying.
Curry Leaves (Kadi Patta) - Stops Hair Loss

Hair loss is caused due to thinning of hair. Curry leaves are loaded with proteins and beta-carotene which enrich the hair. This helps in solving the problem of hair thinning and hair loss.When the hair follicles are strong there is lesser chances of hair fall.
Curry Leaves (Kadi Patta) - Get Rid of Dandruff

Curry leaves are loaded with antioxidants which helps to keep the scalp moisturized and removes the dead scalp follicles. The primary cause of dandruff is the accumulation of dead scalp follicles. When the scalp is moisturized there is lesser accumulation of dead scalp follicles.
Curry Leaves (Kadi Patta) - Strengthen the Hair Shafts

The hair shaft is the part of the hair which rises just above the scalp. Curry leaves are rich in Vitamin B6 which works to strengthen the hair shafts. The Vitamin B6 content in curry leaves works to regulate the hormones and help treat hair loss. It also helps to strengthen the roots of the hair which prevents hair loss.