India 30 October 2016: We all have used Vicks VapoRub to get rid of cold, cough, headache, congestion in the nose, chest and throat. But, did you know that our ordinary Vicks Vaporub had much more uses than these? Read on to know these amazing uses of Vicks VapoRub.

1. Keep Mosquitoes Away

Applying a little of Vicks VapoRub on your clothing and skin works to keep mosquitoes away.
2. Treat Sinus Headaches

For ages Vicks VapoRub is being used as a home remedy for curing sinus headaches. Applying Vicks VapoRub under your nose and Breathing in deeply this makes the menthol present in it to go in and calm your headache.
3. Get Rid of Acne

Applying Vicks VapoRub on the acne affected area several times a day helps in clearing the skin of acne and blemishes. This might sound crazy, but it does work in clearing your skin.
4. Stage Tears

Many people in the entertainment industry use it for shedding tears on purpose for a photo shoot or stage performance. To do this you Just need to apply a small quantity of Vicks VapoRub under your eyes and your tears will start flowing. Make sure you don’t apply it into your eyes or on your eyelids.
5. Natural Insect Repellant

If you want to keep insects away from you just apply Vicks VapoRub on your neck, inner knees, elbows, and behind your ears. When out for a picnic in the open grounds, just open the bottle of Vicks Vaporub and keep it on the picnic table to keep the pesky insects at bay.
6. Treat Bruises Quickly

To treat bruises quickly just Mix a pinch of salt with Vicks VapoRub. Apply this mix on your bruise to heal it quickly.
7. Mitigate Sore Muscles

Gently rubbing Vicks VapoRub on sore muscles help to find relief from the soreness. Make sure to cover the affected area with a dry cloth to retain its effect. To increase the effectiveness Lie down till the soreness has reduces. Do this thrice a day to get relief from sore muscles.
8. Skin Moisturizer

Vicks VapoRub works amazing as a moisturizer for dry and dull skin. Rubbing Vaporub on your dry skin works to hydrate the skin making it soft and gentle again.
9. Tennis Elbow

If you are suffering from tennis elbow, then try rubbing Vicks VapoRub on it to get relief from the pain. Vicks VapoRub contains Menthol and camphor which work excellently to heal the aching elbow. Apply it multiple times a day to get relief..
10. Heal Cracked Heels

You will be surprised to know that Vicks VapoRub works amazingly to heal cracked heels. You just need to apply a thick layer of Vicks VapoRub on your heels and feet before you head to bed.Wear a pair of cotton socks to retain it on your feet. Wash your feet in the morning, with warm water and using pumice stone exfoliate the skin on your feet. Doing this regularly will keep your heels and feet feeling soft always.
11. Fingernail or Toenail Fungus

If you are having fungus infected toenail or fingernail then applying Vicks VapoRub on the infected area, twice a day helps to stop the infection or fungus from spreading. Make sure to cover your feet with cotton socks while sleeping. Keep trimming the nails, till the infected part is entirely removed.
12. Chest Decongestant

This is a common use for which we have always been using Vicks VapoRub for. Apply it on your throat and chest, to get quick relief from congestion and cough.
13. Prevent Your Cat from Scratching

If you have a cat at home as a pet and are tired of it tarnishing your windows, walls and doors. Try applying a little Vicks VapoRub to these areas, This will keep your cat away from those places.
14. Heal Splinters or Cuts

Vicks VapoRub works amazingly to speed up the healing and also prevents infection of splinters or cuts, Just apply Vicks on any splinter or cut to heal it fast.
15. Reek-free Racehorses

Rubbing Vicks VapoRub below the nostrils of racehorses which deters the horses from the fascinating stench of the female pony and keeps them focused on the race.
16. Stretch Marks

If you want to get rid of stretch marks quickly start Applying Vicks VapoRub on the stretch marks regularly for two weeks reduces the appearance of stretch marks..
17. Deter Pet Pee-Pee

If your pet has been peeing on your carpet and getting you frustrated just put an open bottle of Vicks VapoRub near the carpet and it will never come close to it again..
18. Get Rid of Eczema

Vicks VapoRub also works excellently to get rid of eczema. You just need to apply it on the eczema affected skin regularly till you get relief. It works to lessen the inflammation and itchiness in the affected area.
19. Ear Pain Reliever

Applying Vicks VapoRub on a cotton ball and placing it in the aching ear. This is sure to give you instant relief from ear pain.
20. Athletes Feet

If you have athlete’s feet then apply Vicks VapoRub twice a day to get relief from it.