India 27 October 2016: Three debates down. Two weeks until Election Day. One new President of the United States. The whole world is watching – and now it’s time to Swipe the Vote.
This election marks the first time in history that essentially all millennials are old enough to vote. In fact, millennials will play a larger role in this election than in any other – from the big decision to the global conversation – which is why we’re bringing Swipe the Vote to our users around the world.
Starting today, in partnership with Rock the Vote, Tinder users in more than 15 countries will have the opportunity to swipe on some of the most important issues facing American voters, from immigration to climate change, to find out if they’re #WithHer or on the #TrumpTrain – and whether their stances truly match with the candidate they’ve been supporting.

"The voices and opinions of our users are more important than ever - with this election marking the first time that nearly all millennials can vote," said Sean Rad, Founder and CEO of Tinder. "We are excited to be doing our part to educate and mobilize our users, in partnership with Rock the Vote, while driving global conversation and awareness about this historic election."
When you see the ‘Swipe the Vote’ card, simply tap on the card and swipe in the direction of the choice you agree with. To learn more about the issue, just tap the card before you swipe.
Before you’re matched with a candidate, you’ll be asked whom you would choose to be the next President of the United States. Will your choice be consistent with your swipes?
Once you’ve matched with a candidate, you can learn more about them by tapping on their names. And, if you’re swiping in the U.S., you can locate the closest polling location so you know exactly where to be on November 8th to cast your ballot.
The ‘Swipe the Vote’ poll will be available to users in the U.S., Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Spain and the U.K.
The 'Swipe the Vote' experience was built in collaboration with Wedgies, a real-time polling platform.