Bangalore, October 17, 2016: Bentley Systems announces the availability of the new SewerGEMS and SewerCAD CONNECT Edition applications for the analysis and design of sewer networks. The CONNECT Edition provides a unified, common environment that advances productivity, team collaboration, and project performance. Key new capabilities of the CONNECT Edition releases allow users to:

· Improve sewer loading accuracy with property connection elements to account for individual customer loads
· Reduce energy expenses and carbon footprint with pump energy cost calculations
· Streamline reporting with custom reports that automatically combine graphs, data tables, color-coded and annotated plan views, and more into a single report
· Augment reports with the ability to record video of simulated results
· Produce print-ready engineering profiles with improved annotation tables
· Share results and designs easily with team members by publishing i-models to the Personal Share, a CONNECT Edition cloud service
· Increase productivity with simplified workflows and a modern and intuitive user interface
From urban sewer planning to overflow remediation analysis to optimized best management practices and designs, SewerGEMS and SewerCAD provide an easy-to-use environment for engineers to analyze, design, and operate sewer systems, using built-in hydraulic and hydrologic tools, and a variety of wet-weather analysis methods.
“The CONNECT Edition releases of SewerGEMS and SewerCAD continue to improve the productivity of engineers for all phases of the sewer infrastructure lifecycle,” said Gregg Herrin, director of product management, with Bentley Systems. “And, with the extended reporting capabilities, it’s now faster and easier than ever to generate and share results across the entire team.”
Scenario Energy Cost
Caption: New energy calculations determine usage and cost, for individual pumps, pump stations, or the entire system.
Image Attribution: Image courtesy of Bentley Systems
Engineering Profile
Caption: Print-ready engineering profiles can be customized to accelerate publishing needs.
Image Attribution: Image courtesy of Bentley Systems
Property Connection Elements
Caption: Property connection elements improve sewer loading accuracy
Image Attribution: Image courtesy of Bentley Systems