What women want; Philips’ Annual Stylescape survey* tells all!
Skincare is not just for women– 79% men want to try it
74% women take note of men’s skin quality
73% women said they have spotted more men in the chairs next to them in the salons!

New Delhi, 24th October, 2016 – Groomed bodies to coiffed hair, smooth chests to manicured hands, feet that get prettier (yes, we said it) to beards that belong on the cover of fashion magazines! The rise and times of the metrosexual man; we are living it. Grooming is ever evolving and Philips, in its quest to understand male grooming 101, uncovered what men are up to and what the women are saying – uncovered the science behind men’s grooming!Philips India’s annual Stylescape Survey, reveals that women are becoming observant towards, while men are increasingly opening up to the various aspects of grooming – Skincare, Facial Styling &Bodygrooming. This is the 5th annual survey conducted by Philips India that talks about Male Grooming preferences in India.
Skincare – it’s not just for women, with 74% women take note of men’s the skin quality & 79% wanting to try itGlowing skin all the way!
Out of various grooming habits like skincare, facial styling, shaving, hairstyling & bodygrooming, the majority of women wanted their significant others to start taking care of their skin! Not to mention, 74% women take note of the skin quality when they notice men; and the men seem to be listening! Skincare is increasingly climbing up the priority list for men as well with 29% stating that they consider skin care an important aspect of their grooming routine. What’s more, 79% men admitting to being open about trying skincare regimens at home.
On the face of it!
Facial styling is easily the most sought after form of grooming! And when it comes to facial styling, shaving remains the first and foremost form of grooming 62% men start with, followed by trimming as a second. As men grow smarter, women are growing increasingly observant. 83% women understand that men's grooming consists of more than just shaving.
Well, Hello there!
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s themetrosexual man!
73% women said they have spotted more men coming in to the salons
Women spill the beans! A whopping 73% women mentioned an increase in the number of men they see during their visit to the salon. With 29% men considering skin care an important aspect of their grooming routine; 61% admitted to visiting the salon monthly. Men are increasingly spending more on their grooming, with 39% visiting the salon more than once a month; 20% men spending over than INR 1000 on services other than haircuts.
To groom or not to groom? Shakespeare had nothing on these men!
43% men now grooming their bodies
Is it really the question anymore? Well, apparently not. Majority of men understand and undertake the need for bodygrooming! And why you ask –hygiene matters! The increasing trend of bodygrooming stems from 55% men wanting to take care of their bodies and maintain hygiene.
While hygiene is a key incitement to bodygroom for men, factors like increased intimacy, confidence to flaunt their torsos and ability to come across as well styled still remain the most important reasons to bodygroom. Not to mention the fact that 73% women admitted to having an aversion to men’s body hair, triggering the grooming rituals for most men!
The men are listening and not shying away with 43% men now grooming their bodies!
Sharing is caring, or is it?
Rounded Rectangle: 41% women had shared skincare products &22% had shared cosmetics with men!Most women admitted to sharing their grooming products with a male family member/ friend. When asked, 41% women said they had shared skincare products like facial scrubs, cleanser brushes and 26% women shared grooming products like depilation creams!
We need to talk!
Rounded Rectangle: 69% women discuss bodygrooming with their partners!While men are taking control of their grooming rituals and choices; 73% men admitted that they look at getting inputs and advice from people or turned towards men’s magazines, mobile apps, men’s blogs and brand websites for answers. Interestingly, the women too are taking charge – while 84% women said they would like to talk to their partners about body grooming, 69% stated they already do!
The evolved women of today are aware of what they want and aren’t afraid to state it! Women today want men to take care of themselves. When asked, 80% women admitted to thinking that men who spend on their grooming come across as responsible to take care of themselves, which can be attractive for women.
The findings of this survey reflect the fast changing grooming preferences of the modern man. And how these preferences are shaped and in turn affected by the women. Philips has been at the helm of the style revolution in male grooming in India and has introduced marquee products based on deep consumer insight, be it thePhilips BodyGroom, Philips VisaPure Men or Philips VacumTrimmer. Philips has a wide range of men’s grooming products starting from trimmers to multi-groomers as well of state of the art electric shavers including the AquaTouch and Sensotouch.
Note: These claims are based on a research conducted by Philips India. Philips interviewed 300 males and 250 females in the Age group 20- 30 years in key metros.
About Royal Philip
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) is a leading health technology company focused on improving people's health and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum from healthy living and prevention, to diagnosis, treatment and home care. Philips leverages advanced technology and deep clinical and consumer insights to deliver integrated solutions. The company is a leader in diagnostic imaging, image-guided therapy, patient monitoring and health informatics, as well as in consumer health and home care. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Philips' health technology portfolio generated 2015 sales of EUR 16.8 billion and employs approximately 69,000 employees with sales and services in more than 100 countries.