India 31 October 2016:
Mosquitoes, one of the most pesky insects that we know of. They are small and tiny creatures which create nuisance in our life. Mosquitoes (machhars) are known to cause many dangerous and life threatening diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya etc. To get rid of these pesky mosquitoes the first thing we turn to are store bought mosquito repellents. These mosquito repellents are full of chemicals which are harmful even for humans. These products can have negative effects on your health and as well on the environment. Today we have put together a list natural home remedies which are super effective in getting rid of mosquitoes. Read on to see the list of natural home remedies to get rid of mosquitoes.
Why buy a mosquito trap from market, when you can easily make one at home. To make a homemade mosquito trap, you need a plastic bottle, some brown sugar, a little yeast and hot water. First thing you need to do is cut the bottle into half. Now in the bottom half of the bottle add brown sugar and hot water and mix it to dissolve the sugar. Now, add the yeast. Your mosquito trap solution is ready. It’s now time to put the upper part of the bottle into the other half in an upside down direction like a funnel. Wrap the bottle with a black tape leaving the top uncovered. Here you go your easy to make homemade mosquito trap is ready. You can now place this trap in any part of your house which is prone to mosquitoes and watch them get trapped in it.Make sure you change the solution in the trap every 2 weeks.This is a very simple, easy and cheap way to get rid of mosquitoes (machhars).
Camphor is a product which is easily available in any household. It is an amazing home remedy to get rid of mosquitoes without causing harm to the environment. For this remedy you just need to close all the doors and windows of the room and then light a camphor stick and leave it there for half an hour. When you return back to the room you will be surprised to see that there are no mosquitoes. You can also make your own mosquito repellent machine refill by making use of camphor balls and Neem oil. For this you need 3-4 Camphor balls, a cup of Neem oil and 1 emptied mosquito repellent refill bottle. Now fill this bottle with the neem oil and the camphor balls and fix the bottle to the machine. Now you can use this as a natural mosquito repellent device.
The Extract of garlic works amazing as mosquito larvicidal because of it’s properties. To stop mosquitoes breeding around your home, just crush a few cloves of garlic and boil it in some water. Take a spray bottle and add this mixture in it. Spray this homemade mosquito repellent around the room. This remedy works well to kill the mosquitoes. Also eating garlic daily works amazing to keep mosquitoes from biting you. Rub garlic clove directly on your skin also works in keeping mosquitoes away from you.
For ages Indian lilac has been used as a natural pesticide and is also known to be a very good mosquito repellent. Mixing equal parts of Indian lilac oil and pure coconut oil works amazing as an mosquito repelling lotion. It has a strong odor which is hated by mosquitoes and keeps them away from you.
Many people also use the oil from the leaves of Lemon eucalyptus which is also known as Corymbia citriodora have as an natural mosquito (machhar) repellent. Applying this oil on your skin daily is sure to protect you from mosquito bites.
Holy basil leaves are said to have mosquito larvicidal properties which known to kill the mosquito larvae. Hence planting a holy basil near the breeding grounds of the mosquitoes. Also planting
a holy basil plant in your garden and near your doors and window sills of your home can keep mosquitoes away. Spraying basil oil also works to get rid of mosquitoes.
Citronella oil is known to be one of the best natural mosquito repellent. Applying citronella oil on your body keep the mosquitoes away from you. Today you also get citronella scented candles which can be lit to spread the aroma of citronella in the room and keep mosquitoes away. You can also use citronella oil in a form of a spray and spray it in the areas where mosquitoes come the most.
Mosquitoes hate the strong smell of mint. Growing mint near your window and doors can keep mosquitoes from entering your house. You can also use mint oil to keep mosquitoes away by sprinkling it in the room using a spray bottle. Just like citronella oil you can also apply mint oil all over your body to keep mosquitoes (machhar) away from you.
Lavender oil has a strong odor which is very effective in keeping mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes hate the smell of lavender flower and oil as it is very strong. Spraying lavender oil in the room using a spray bottle helps to get rid of them. You can also apply it on your body to keep them from biting you. Growing lavender plants around the house and in your garden is an amazing way to keep mosquitoes at bay.
For ages Tea tree oil is known to be an effective natural way to get rid of insects. It is loaded with anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help in keeping the mosquitoes away. The Tea tree oil has a strong smell which works to keep the mosquitoes at bay. For this amazing home remedy all you need to do is to make a mixture with a few drops of tea tree oil and a few drops of water. Apply this oil mixture on your body to protect yourself from mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes, one of the most pesky insects that we know of. They are small and tiny creatures which create nuisance in our life. Mosquitoes (machhars) are known to cause many dangerous and life threatening diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya etc. To get rid of these pesky mosquitoes the first thing we turn to are store bought mosquito repellents. These mosquito repellents are full of chemicals which are harmful even for humans. These products can have negative effects on your health and as well on the environment. Today we have put together a list natural home remedies which are super effective in getting rid of mosquitoes. Read on to see the list of natural home remedies to get rid of mosquitoes.
Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Mosquitoes
1. Dry Ice

Did you know the reason mosquitoes are attracted to humans is the carbon dioxide that we exhale. In this remedy we are going to make the use of the same theory. We are gonna use Dry ice which is known to emits a lot of carbon dioxide. All you need to do is place some dry ice in a box and keep it in one corner. The mosquitoes will get attracted to it and will enter the box. Once you have enough mosquitoes inside the box, close the lid. This is an effective home remedy to get rid of mosquitoes.
2. Coffee Grounds

This is a simple home remedy to repel mosquitoes by kill them before they are hatched. For this remedy all you need to do is just sprinkle coffee grounds wherever there are mosquito eggs present. Basically sprinkle coffee grounds wherever you find stagnant water around or in your house. The coffee grounds forces the mosquito eggs to come to the surface of the water, This deprives them of oxygen and will prevent mosquitoes from breeding in your surroundings.
3. Mosquito Traps

4. Camphor

Camphor is a product which is easily available in any household. It is an amazing home remedy to get rid of mosquitoes without causing harm to the environment. For this remedy you just need to close all the doors and windows of the room and then light a camphor stick and leave it there for half an hour. When you return back to the room you will be surprised to see that there are no mosquitoes. You can also make your own mosquito repellent machine refill by making use of camphor balls and Neem oil. For this you need 3-4 Camphor balls, a cup of Neem oil and 1 emptied mosquito repellent refill bottle. Now fill this bottle with the neem oil and the camphor balls and fix the bottle to the machine. Now you can use this as a natural mosquito repellent device.
5. Garlic

The Extract of garlic works amazing as mosquito larvicidal because of it’s properties. To stop mosquitoes breeding around your home, just crush a few cloves of garlic and boil it in some water. Take a spray bottle and add this mixture in it. Spray this homemade mosquito repellent around the room. This remedy works well to kill the mosquitoes. Also eating garlic daily works amazing to keep mosquitoes from biting you. Rub garlic clove directly on your skin also works in keeping mosquitoes away from you.
Herbal Remedies to Keep Mosquitoes Away
6. Indian Lilac Oil and Coconut Oil

For ages Indian lilac has been used as a natural pesticide and is also known to be a very good mosquito repellent. Mixing equal parts of Indian lilac oil and pure coconut oil works amazing as an mosquito repelling lotion. It has a strong odor which is hated by mosquitoes and keeps them away from you.
7. Lemon eucalyptus

8. Holy Basil

a holy basil plant in your garden and near your doors and window sills of your home can keep mosquitoes away. Spraying basil oil also works to get rid of mosquitoes.
9. Citronella Oil

Citronella oil is known to be one of the best natural mosquito repellent. Applying citronella oil on your body keep the mosquitoes away from you. Today you also get citronella scented candles which can be lit to spread the aroma of citronella in the room and keep mosquitoes away. You can also use citronella oil in a form of a spray and spray it in the areas where mosquitoes come the most.
10. Mint

11. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has a strong odor which is very effective in keeping mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes hate the smell of lavender flower and oil as it is very strong. Spraying lavender oil in the room using a spray bottle helps to get rid of them. You can also apply it on your body to keep them from biting you. Growing lavender plants around the house and in your garden is an amazing way to keep mosquitoes at bay.
12. Tea Tree Oil

13. Red Cedar Mulch

Red cedar mulch is not only amazing for your garden, but is known to be very effective in keeping the mosquitoes away. For this remedy all you need to do is boil some red cedar chips in water. Then add this mixture to your garden sprayer and sprinkle it in your garden. This will keep mosquitoes from breeding near your home.
14. Pinion Wood

Pinion woods are known to have a pungent odor. Burning pinion woods outside your home is an age old trick to kill mosquitoes and stop them from coming close to your house.
15. Rosemary

Rosemary is another very effective natural insect repellent. Mosquitoes hate the aroma of rosemary. So burning a few stalks of rosemary is sure to drive out the mosquitoes from your home.
16. Mosquito Repellent Plants

One of the most natural way to get rid of mosquitoes without any effort is to grow mosquito repellent plants. You can grow plants that repel mosquitoes like citronella, catnip and feverfew in your garden and near the entrance of your home.
17. Peppermint

For ages people have used peppermint as a natural insecticide. It has a nice, fresh and minty aroma which is hated by mosquitoes. You can use the insecticidal properties of peppermint by making a bug spray from its oil to repel mosquitoes. Make sure you don’t apply this oil on your skin as it may cause skin irritation.
18. Clove Oil

Many of the store bought chemical loaded repellents use clove oil as an ingredient because of its mosquito repellent properties. You can make a homemade mosquito spray by adding clove oil in a spray bottle and spray it in mosquito prone areas to get rid of them. Don’t apply this oil on your skin.
19. Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is also said to have mosquito repellent properties just like coconut oil. You can use it to make your own bug spray at home to repel mosquitoes.
20. Vetiver

The oil of Vetiver is used as an natural mosquito repellent. Vetiver, which is also known as Chrysopogon zizanioides is a bunchgrass found mostly in India. Vetiver oil has soothing aroma and is loaded with insect repellent properties. Spraying a few drops of this amazing oil works like magic to get rid of mosquitoes.
Do’s and Don’ts to Keep Mosquitoes Away

- Hang a mosquito net over your bed at night time to keep mosquitoes from biting you. Even when you are using mosquito repellent sprays and coils it will just keep them away for a few hours so it’s always better to sleep inside mosquito nets at night.
- Make sure to close all the doors and windows in the evening hours to prevent the entry of mosquitoes. You can also have wire mesh attached on doors and windows which will allow you to keep the doors and windows open without the fear of mosquitoes entering.
- Whenever you see mosquitoes flying around you, Use a mosquito swatter to kill them.
- Mosquitoes are said to be attracted by light. So to keep mosquitoes away from your house use mosquito-repellent lights like sodium lamps, yellow bug lights or LED lights.
- Don’t let there be any stranded water near your house. As stagnant water is the breeding ground for mosquitoes (machhar).