India 28 October 2016: We all enjoy Diwali celebrations a lot with all the sweets and the fireworks, but recently there have been many incidents eye injuries being caused by fireworks during this festival of lights. Many people suffer burns on their hands and legs from firecrackers, many people also have eye injuries. All these injuries occur in Diwali due to the lack of proper safety measures taken while lighting fireworks. Read on for some tips to help you have a happy and safe Diwali.
Irritation caused by smoke-emitting crackers
Firecrackers are loaded with chemicals which can cause eye irritation from the smoke they emit on being burnt. You can protect your eyes this Diwali from these chemicals by following some simple precautionary measures while bursting crackers like bursting them in open grounds, wearing goggles or spectacles while burning them and don’t forget to wash your hands properly after bursting crackers to protect yourself from harmful chemicals.
Avoid wearing contact lenses
People who wear contact lenses should avoid wearing them while going out to burst firecrackers. Contact lenses are known to cause eye irritation when exposed to direct heat for a long time. Wear spectacles or goggles to keep your eyes safe from the smoke and the chemicals. It’s always safe to maintain an arm's length distance while burning firecrackers.
In case of an eye injury
God forbidden but In case you get any eye injury while bursting crackers, as first aid wash your eyes and face properly with clean hands. Avoid rubbing your eyes. If there are any signs of bleeding in the eye, cover the wounded area and quickly rush to the nearest hospital.
Note that all types of crackers are harmful for your eyes and it's always avoid highly combustive crackers.
Can cause permanent vision loss
Any severe damage caused by any kind of cracker to the eye can result in permanent vision loss. The velocity of the cracker with which it hits the eye, the chemical reaction in the eye and the thermal burn caused by the cracker determines the severeness of the injury.
Always Be cautious
Always be cautious while bursting crackers. Following some simple precautionary measures like bursting crackers in an open space, wearing goggles, wash hands clean with sanitizers. Always supervise your Children while they are playing with crackers. If you happen to get any injury while bursting crackers; Make sure to visit a doctor and take professional help as soon as possible. Keep a bucket of water and sand at hand available for putting off any accidental fire.