Now you can sponsor a meal for a patient at St Martha’s Hospital this week
Bangalore Oct 6, 2016: As a part of the DaanUtsav or the Joy of Giving Week being observed all over India from Oct 2 -8, 2016, city based St. Martha’s Hospital will give an opportunity to anyone who may be interested in sponsoring a week’s meal to their in-patients.

“A week’s meal generally costs around Rs 250 for an in-patient which includes a 5 course meal from breakfast, mid-morning snacks, lunch, tea and dinner. In many cases patients are economically so poor that they don’t have the money to pay for their meal. So they prefer fetching food from their home. In this process they travel a long way back and forth, due to which most of the patients skip their lunch. This results in interruption of medication timing. Hence this initiative by the hospital to help patients get sponsored meals,” explains Sr. Teresa Mandakath, Sister superior of St Martha’s Hospital.
The hospital is participating in the DaanUtsav for the first time. Patients who stay very far from the city and those who are extremely poor will be given first priority. “An average of 100 patients are admitted in St. Martha’s Hospital every day. The meals will be served depending upon the money received from the sponsors,” added Dr .J.M Johnson, Director of St Martha’s Hospital
Anyone who wants to help patients sponsor money for the cause can log in to , sign in with their own email id and pay online. St. Martha’s Hospital will issue a statement on the number of patients who benefitted from the sponsor’s donation.
About DaanUtsav
DaanUtsav (called the Joy of Giving Week) is India’s ‘festival of giving’ organized jointly by 200 NGOs across all the cities of India. Launched in 2009, the festival is celebrated every year – commencing on Gandhi Jayanti – from October 2 to 8. Over 200 companies, Govt. organizations, celebrities and people get together volunteering and fundraising to support for the cause during the Joy of Giving Week. From auto rickshaw drivers to CEOs, school children to celebrities, homemakers to opinion leaders and media personnel, millions of people from all walks of life come together during this week to give their time, money, resources, or skills back to society.