Conquering Facebook Marketing

India 26 October 2016: Talking about social media world we are living in, it is everywhere around us. One moment we are using facebook and the other moment we are on twitter or some other app like instagram, snapchat. Social media platforms have a massive presence of online users.  And this has turned these into platforms which have huge potential in terms to disseminate information to a larger section or in other way round to get the public know about the product or services we are offering as a business. But game changes when it becomes business page rather than a personal profile. And to name every single social media platform we have, has its own set of rule to conquer the platform be it facebook, twitter, instagram or any other Social media platform.

Conquering Facebook Marketing

When it comes to promote the brand and do the marketing for it on the digital platform, we need to have the set of rules.  Facebook has its own arena, and has its own rules and regulations to stay in the race. 

Facebook is a much changed medium in comparison to what it started with. It has grown bigger and still growing.  There are pages, groups and ads to look for the marketing thing. But to make the maximum utilization of the medium varies on several factors. When you have idea of the Facebook tools, you need to use it to the maximum to get the best return on investment from Facebook marketing. There are some strategies and rules to be followed for marketing strategy for Facebook.
Awareness about your Target audience

Knowing  your target audience on a specific social media platform like Facebook is necessary to go ahead with the marketing plan. There comes the role of Facebook demographics and the brand intelligence about customer’s profile which will help you to know where your target audience would be. Facebook audience insights further helps you in getting the minute details about your target audience. This is really helpful when you need to determine what kind of content would be the effective for your business.

Selling should not be on priority

Facebook algorithm was changed at the end of the year 2015 favoring the brand content rather the content that drive sales and thus it changed the way a post should be posted. Facebook wants the post should have the content that can be seen, read, like and share by the online users of the Facebook. So a post should not directly aim to sell. Post the content that helps the brand to put in front of the new eyeballs and extend the brand awareness on Facebook
Content is the master of all

Facebook post should should engage the audience and encourage them to participate in your Facebook conversation and help the brand by sharing the content. Content of posts should update the consumer and let them help the word.  In order to get the maximum reach, the post content is the most important thing. On Facebook, here are four ways to present your content i.e. Videos, pictures, link and the text. As per the study of Socialbaskers, video is the most engaging content followed by the text, links and pictures. Before posting, do invest your time to analyze your audience and its behavior towards your business. Another thing to keep in mind is that post the data that would have the interest of public. The post should be catchy and should grab attention of your audience from first three to four words of the post. Online users have less attention span, so it is wise to maintain the content of post succinct and useful to the user. 

It is also advisable to respond on the post. It is not fair on your brand image if you are not responding on your posts if there is anything asked by the user.  You need to be frequent in terms of reply if any conversation is started under your brand page
Pinned post helps in a long way

A pinned post shows always at the top of your business page and would not come down even if you post any new content.  And thus it helps your potential followers to like your page. If you want to share some information regarding any campaign or activity, you can pin it and let the users know about it.

Space out your post

Facebook posts should be done at regular intervals. Post has the chances to make it to the top when your target audience is the most active. Some research is to be done to know the behavior of your target audience.  In general,  the research concludes that the most appropriate time to post on Facebook  is Thursday or Friday  in afternoon 1 to 3 PM. Make a plan for your Facebook posts and create a road map for covering number of topics. For e.g. if you are in the fashion industry, you need to post updates about the fashion vogue and all. Make a content calendar and assign what to post on different days of the week.

How to use Hashtags on facebook

Hashtags is not the sure shot formula to get the maximum number of views. Because on facebook, post without hashtags perform better than the posts with hashtags. So you need to consider the use of hashtag to do the branding on facebook. Some brands do use Hashtags because they are synonyms with the brand.


Maverick Digital - A creative agency with BIG ideas!

Founded in 2010, we are a group of innovative, enthusiastic and curious designers and developers who are passionate about delivering out-of-the-box creative for our diverse clients. With Creative Head, Omm Dev Sharma and Marketing Head, Vivek Banka, we as a team implement Strategy, Creativity and Technology while building brands and business values. Mr. Omm holds more than 10 years of Creative and marketing experience, driven by passion and with an aspiration to contribute towards making India a digitally savvy nation. Mr. Vivek, an avid blog reader and gadget aficionado comes with an MBA Degree and 5 years of marketing experience. He excels in executing digital campaigns for assorted brands and is a man ‘full of bean’.  

At Maverick Digital, we offer digital and online marketing solutions for purpose-driven brands, highlighting their services in the most ground-breaking ways. We understand the value of time and money. Therefore, we bring to our clients digital solutions as per their required timelines. Our solutions aim to attract and engage people and further enhance and promote their brands. We are working for brands from Automobile Industry, Food Industry, Sportswear, Technology, Real Estate, etc.

Services that we offer are digital marketing strategy, website design, online advertisement, creating campaigns, audience activations, mobile marketing, website audits, web content management and more. Our professionals hold the calibre in putting themselves in the clients’ shoes and also understand their business requirements. We know that there can never be just ‘ONE’ solution to our clients’ necessities as the digital world has ample scope and is always changing.

Thus, Maverick Digital aspires to help its clients expand while providing unique and well-planned marketing communications. Realistic and honest, passionate and ethical, we implement the latest techniques in marketing and bring out the best online marketing solutions for all our clients.