Bebuzzd set to revolutionize loyalty programs in the UAE

DUBAI, UAE, October 20, 2016 – Bebuzzd, a new multi-store digital loyalty program, launched by Blackhawk Solutions DMCC, a leading IT company based in Dubai, aims to provide local businesses with a simpler way to manage a cost-effective loyalty program. 

Abdul Nazeer, CEO of Bebuzzd
 Abdul Nazeer, CEO of Bebuzzd

Mujeeb Rahman, Chief Operations Officer, Bebuzzd
Mujeeb Rahman, Chief Operations Officer, Bebuzzd

The unique system would allow all businesses to be part of Bebuzzd, thus, helping consumers integrate a loyalty program to one single common platform. The strategic launch of the program comes in the wake of recent industry reports suggesting that UAE residents, both expatriates and Emiratis, spend more than five hours a day using social media - with 29 per cent accessing six to ten apps installed on their smartphones and other gadgets. With Bebuzzd, UAE consumers will benefit in terms of receiving key value additions and attractive incentives. 

With this unique program, customers are at one’s fingertip. This app is programmed to send customized digital vouchers, offers, event notifications to its customers with just one click through a digital clock. If your customer cannot make it, he can always transfer it to his friend digitally. Bebuzzd Manager’s app is touted as the strongest tool ever developed by the company, which would help managers to monitor their business even when they are travelling. It would ensure that none of the customers’ feedback goes unattended. Every feedback is received on the Manager’s app, which allows him to take action and respond live. Not just that, if a business or a company is running an offer or a promotion, Bebuzzd can send its customers the picture of the offer and provide live feedback about the effectiveness of the promotion with no additional cost. 

According to Abdul Nazeer, CEO of Bebuzzd, “Traditional loyalty programs as we know them today, have reached the limit of their utility for both the consumers and for the merchants. They just do not stimulate loyalty anymore because customer’s earnings are fragmented across too many accounts, and that`s why merchants do not benefit. Customers are showing apathy to traditional concept (too complicated or demanding process of registration, hard to use, one more plastic or paper card in your wallet, and so on). It is in this context, we realised the importance to keep shoppers happy and to ensure that they keep coming back.’’

Nazeer quickly adds that the company conducted a survey that suggests that it costs 500 per cent more to acquire new customers than it does to keep current ones and that cost of bringing a new customer up to the same level of profitability as an old one is up to 16 times more.

Bebuzzd is meant to relieve consumers from carrying loyalty cards in their wallet. This new app represents an understanding of the fact that customer loyalty programs need to be reimagined around common and traditional loyalty concepts in order to dramatically extend their value and increase participation among consumers. Bebuzzd has adopted the strength of a coalition loyalty program--creating a digital community of unique brands and businesses. 

“Everyone is digital today. Just like the rest of the world, the UAE and Dubai are being taken over by the mobile revolution as well. Take a look at the fact that in 2016, mobile subscribers exceeding 16 million subscriptions and mobile penetration of nearly 200 per cent, there is no wonder that the UAE is considered the second largest m-commerce market in the world," concluded Mujeeb Rahman, COO, Bebuzzd.