India 28 October 2016: Diwali is just round the corner ! Guys are not exactly as excited as girls about festivities but we can try to be. Read on to know 7 things that you can do this Diwali week.

1. Make Time For your Family
Diwali is the time of the year when your whole family comes together to celebrate it. So be the ideal son and spend some quality time with your family and be nice to your relatives for a change. This is the time of the year for those family pictures, so go ahead and make memories.
2. Wear Ethnic Clothes
When else will you step out of those Jeans and T-shirts other than diwali, Go ethnic this diwali and see how happy your parents are to see their son all decked up. Diwali is the time of the year to step aside of the rugged hipster look and step into a nice boy look in some amazing ethnic wear.
3. Gift Your Near and Dear Ones
Gifting? Really isn’t a boy thing, but this diwali let’s give it a try and see how good it feels to surprise others in your family with some gifts. Feel good this diwali by gifting your dad, mom, sister, brother anyone who matters to you. Don’t worry you will also get some gift.
4. Have a Non Alcoholic Party
Parties for us boys is mostly with DARU, but this Diwali lets try and have a sober party by inviting our friends over to have some amazing indian treats. Our parents will love us for that.
5. Clean Your Room
We all have messy rooms and our mom’s are tired of yelling at us to get it cleaned, but that day never comes. Im sure our Moms have gave up on this. So why not surprise them this Diwali by cleaning out your room. Also give your mom a helping hand in other chores at home during this week.
6. Random Act of Kindness
Diwali is the festival of lights, so this diwali let’s try to light up the lives of others by doing a random act of kindness every day in this week. Even doing a small act of kindness, like giving a gifting your maid some sweets, a small chocolate to a kid on the road side, donating your old toys, clothes etc.
7. Avoid Bursting Crackers
Why burst crackers? What joy does it bring, It just spreads pollution and is a complete waste of money. Why don’t we make good use of this money by donating the same to some charity. This Diwali try and avoid crackers and instead light up the homes of those in need with some donations of the same amount.
So peace out homies and have an amazing pollution free diwali with your family and friends. Wishing you all a Happy and prosperous Diwali from Team.