India 27 September 2016: Pratik Marwah, CO-Founder and COO at iAugmentor Labs Pvt.was the only Indian entrepreneur invited to be a part of Global ICT symposium 2016. He shared his views on the role of technology in enabling the “Universities of the Future”. CBS-2016 took place in Nairobi, Kenya from 6 to 8 September 2016. He enlightened the audience on ‘A new digital generation: Young innovators’ This brought young people from all over the world whose technological innovations contribute to capacity building leading to socio-economic development. Pratik addressed the gathering from across the world, including International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ,on how to effectively implement various technological innovations thus reinforcing the need for collaborative efforts at an international level amongst the worldwide ICT capacity building group. For the participating colleges and educators,the symposium provided an opportunity to gauge the necessities of the business sector thus helping them shape their future programs keeping the new millennial in mind.

About Pratik Marwah
Pratik is a co-founder and COO at iAugmentor Labs Pvt. As COO, he heads operations, partnerships and alliances across India, MENA focusing on colleges as well as individuals. Pratik is the head of Business Development & Operations, responsible for strategizing and optimizing channels to increase sales and revenue for the company. He plays a crucial role in the organization, working to expand and acquire new diverse clientele.
About ICT Symposium
The ITU Global ICT Capacity Building Symposium (CBS) is the main global event for capacity development in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). The Symposium brings together stakeholders from across the world to discuss trends and developments in the sector and their implications for human and institutional capacity building. CBS initially focused only on matters related to human resources and thus was targeted mainly to human resources practitioners. It has since broadened its scope to embrace human and institutional capacity building, drawing on a global network of expertise from different regions and stakeholders.