Ecoppia, Tech partners at the event provide solution to ROI on utility scale solar plants by reducing maintenance costs and increasing energy production
September 7th, Wednesday 2016 UBM hosted the 10th edition of the Renewable Energy Expo at Greater Noida from September 7th -9th, 2016. The expo provides business opportunities with Solar, Wind, Bio-mass/fuel, Small hydro, Geothermal and Energy efficiency sectors.’ The tech partner for this year’s event was an innovative technology company, Ecoppia.

During the course of the event eminent representation from the renewable energy sector convened to further discuss on the India’s Renewable Energy Landscape focusing on the long term sustainability of installations. It has been agreed that India has a tremendous untapped potential to produce bankable renewable energy re-sources. Strategic planning and effective execution and implementation have been agreed as the need for the hour.
The Expo kicked off with a panel discussion on the Renewable sector, surging ahead in India. While addressing the scope and challenges of the solar sector, infrastructure, maintenance and sustainability of long term projects were some of the key discussion points. CEO and Co-founder of Ecoppia, Mr. Eran Meller observes that the solar expansion plans of India would greatly benefit if there was focus given to issues beyond installations. The biggest solar installations in India are located in arid areas that are tackling water scarcity. To address soiling of the panels in these areas with water based solutions becomes almost impossible, while not addressing the issue leads to low performance of the installations, thus making it a double edged sword. Innovative technologies to address these issues are crucial, he observes.
He says, “Instead of water based manual cleaning, a 100% water-free robotic cleaning solution will be the answer to many problems. The Robots would reduce the cost and operational overhead of manual water-based cleaning and at the same time increase yield. The system is completely solar powered so each and every robot has its own dedicated solar panel charging its batteries throughout the day, enabling nightly cleaning post energy production hours. All robots are controlled by a central control unit, and can operate autonomously, based on the instructions pre-programmed by park staff and can be fully monitored and controlled from anywhere anytime. ”
Ecoppia’s robotic, water-free cleaning solution removes 99 percent of dust in each cleaning operation andensure optimally performing panels and an overall higher output. Utilizing their vast experience in the harsh Middle East Solar domain, Ecoppia have entered the India market with their 100% water free solar panel cleaning solution, and have signed on with many eminent players in the sector. With various deployments Pan-India with leading global power companies, Ecoppia has sure set it’s foot in India.
About Ecoppia:
Ecoppia is the world leader solar panels cleaning solution, maximizing solar park value creation by increasing output and lowering production overhead. The company’s fully autonomous, water-free, cleaning solution cost-effectively keeps photovoltaic panels at peak performance, even in the toughest desert conditions, cleaning 5 million solar panels every month. The company has gained un-paralleled experience in the toughest environments of India and the Middle East being led by energy and robotics experts, with broad and multidisciplinary experience and proven records of success in operations, management, engineering and product development.