· Heart attacks can be prevented by monitoring and managing blood pressure and other vital health parameters
· Health camp offers special screening packages to encourage people towards regular health check ups
Patiala, 29Sept 2016: Do you live in a ‘heart healthy’ environment free of alcohol and smoke? Do you consume a heart-healthy diet, workout regularly and undergo preventive heart screenings to check cardiovascular diseases? If the answer is no, you need to wake up to the need of cultivating a heart healthy environment around yourself!
Cardiovascular disease is today the world’s leading cause of deaths, accounting for over 30 per cent of lives globally each year. However, with small steps such as exercising daily, quitting smoke and drink and adopting a healthy diet, you can prevent heart disease.
With an aim to educate people about ‘heart healthy’ lifestyles and the need to turn from treatment to prevention of cardiovascular diseases, Columbia Asia Hospitals, Patiala is conducting a fortnight-long health camp for the residents of Patiala, coinciding with World Heart Day which is observed each year on September 29.
Cardiovascular disease is caused by disorders of the heart and blood vessels, and includes coronary heart disease (heart attacks), cerebrovascular disease (stroke), raised blood pressure (hypertension), peripheral artery disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease and heart failure. Apart from genetic predisposition, the major causes of cardiovascular disease are tobacco use, lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet and excessive use of alcohol.
Doctors say it is pertinent to educate people that most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing behavioral risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet and obesity, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol.
Apart from offering special health screening packages, experts at the health camp are also using the opportunity to advice people on quitting smoking, reducing intake of fast food, controlling weight, keeping a check on blood pressure and blood sugar levels and spending at least 30 minutes daily in exercise.

“The burden of cardiovascular disease has increased dramatically in India over the past two decades. The major driving factors behind this rise are change in lifestyles from physically active to sedentary, increase in consumption of high calorie fast foods and excessive consumption of tobacco and alcohol. Thanks to evolving medical science, most heart diseases can be treated, controlled or managed with medication, use of cardiac devices or surgical procedures. However, treatment puts heavy costs – both financial and physical – on patients and their families. Therefore, focusing on treatment is no longer the only corrective option. We need to put equal emphasis on prevention and educating people to cultivate ‘heart healthy environment’. This cultivation of healthy lifestyles has to start from childhood. The cardiovascular disease epidemic can be controlled if our population adopts correct preventive strategies,” says Dr. Jeewan Mittal Consultant Interventional Cardiologist Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala
According to WHO, out of the 16 million deaths under the age of 70 years due to non-communicable diseases, 82% happen in low and middle income countries like India and 37% of them are caused by CVDs.
While individuals can nurture healthy lifestyles in their homes and families, the responsibility to create heart healthy environment also falls on government and civic bodies. It is important to develop towns and cities that are environmentally friendly, have safe walking and exercising spaces, are cycling friendly, impose prohibition on public smoking and have a healthy green cover to curb impact of vehicular pollution.
“Apart from cultivating healthy living and eating habits, prevention also includes regular health screenings and monitoring of parameters such as blood pressure and blood sugar which are directly related to increased heart disease risk. Managing hypertension and diabetes prevents heart attacks and strokes to a large extent. All individuals should make sure they undergo regular preventive health check-ups after they turn 40. People with cardiovascular disease or those who are at high risk due to the presence of risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia need early detection and management,” adds Dr. Deepak Katyal Consultant Interventional Cardiologist Columbia Asia Hospital, Patiala
The health camp from Sept 21 to Oct 5 at Columbia Asia Hospitals, Patiala offers special screening packages including fasting blood sugar, lipid profile, serum creatinine, potassium check, ECG, and ECHO. The hospital is also offering Consultation with cardiologists as well as Angiography if needed at highly concessional costs during the camp.
About Columbia Asia Hospitals Pvt. Ltd.
Columbia Asia Hospitals Pvt. Ltd. is the only company in India to utilize 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) route in the hospital sector.
About Columbia Asia Group of Companies
The Columbia Asia Group is owned by more than 150 private equity companies, fund management organizations and individual investors. The group currently operates eleven facilities in India and has presence in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, Kolkata, Mysore, Patiala and Pune. The company also operates hospitals in Malaysia (11), Vietnam (3), and Indonesia (3). The Indian management operations are managed from its office in Bangalore.