The Conference witnessed an attendance of more than 100 Dieticians
Mumbai, September 2, 2016: Globally, Nutrition Week is celebrated for a week from September 1 to September 7 in an attempt to create and spread awareness, provide advice, educate specialists in the field and improve the overall wellbeing of individuals. In lieu of the above, P.D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC celebrated Nutrition Week 2016 by holding a conference at its hospital which was attended by more than 100 Dieticians from across the city. Dr. Y.K Ambedkar, a Senior Pediatrician in India and Founder trustee of Heinz Nutrition was the Chief Guest of the Conference.

The conference focused on Nutritional Management for Celiac disease which refers to individuals who are Gluten sensitive. Dr. Devendra Desai, Consultant Gastroenterology, P.D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC explains that “Gluten is a protein that is found in barley, rye, wheat and sometimes oats. If a person suffering from Celiac disease consumes foods that contains gluten, the body’s immune system will damage the inner lining of the intestinal tract, thereby affecting the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. At P.D. Hinduja Hospital we strive to impart best knowledge to the imminent generations to ensure better patient care. ”
Pulses are the staple diet of Asians. As it is a primary source of protein and other essential nutrients its importance is now being recognized by UN who declared 2016 as the “Year of Pulses”.
Further, the team of Dietitians at P.D. Hinduja Hospital & MRC discussed two key topics: Nutritional Management in Celiac Diseases and Ketogenic diet for Epilepsy patients. These topics were chosen for the fact that they are not discussed very regularly and the knowledge on these subjects is limited amongst the dieticians.
Apart from this they also spoke about some rarest of rare syndromes such as Guillan-Barre syndrome, Steven-Johnson syndrome, Niemann-Pick disease, Subacute Intestinal Obstruction & Budd-Chiari syndrome and presented how did they approach patients with the above syndrome and found success in treating them. The team also broke some myths on consumption of oats saying that what we consume are processed oats which may have Gluten in them and the need of the hour is Gluten free oatmeal.
During the conference it was also mentioned that it is always important to check the nutrition labels, the ingredients and the amount present in the product. Making a habit of reading nutrition labels will help patients take better care of their health and lives.
About P.D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre:
P.D. Hinduja National Hospital started off as a clinic in 1951. From its humble beginnings, today it is ranked as one of the leading Multi-Specialty tertiary care hospital of the country. Over six decades, this patriotic institute works to ensure that world-class healthcare delivery is provided to its countrymen by continuous progress of technology and skilled medical fraternity by partnering for growth with International Institutes to bring the best to our country. It has pioneered in making healthcare virtual and at the doorstep by launching Care @ Home and SSS- Short Stay Service in 2007 and 2008 respectively. The hospital has always been an early adopter of technology in delivery of care. The hospital believes that healthcare delivery needs innovative products, which should be driven by outcomes and innovative technology driven accessibility at affordable rates. Quality care being the focus it has been amongst the early few hospitals that have gone ahead for accreditations and certifications like NABH, CAP, and ISO.
The hospital follows one of its guiding principles “Work to Give” by having a rural program, which was launched on the 75th birthday of the Group’s Chairman, Mr. S.P. Hinduja, under LGH- Live to Give Hope Fund. Live to Give Hope is driven by the values given by the Institutions own Florence Nightingale, Smt. Lalita Girdhar Hinduja.